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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction Introductory theory that explains what is biodiversity, the components of habitat - biotic, abiotic, and what is habitat.
2. Unicellular organisms A theory that explain the properties of unicellular organisms and the examples of unicellular organisms - amoeba, euglena, and paramecium.
3. Multicellular organisms A theory that explains what is multicellular organisms, the examples of multicellular organism, and the differences between unicellular and multicellular organisms.
4. Adaptations in fishes A theory that explains the adaptations present in fishes - the body shape, fins, scales, gills, tail.
5. Adaptations in lizards A theory that explains the adaptations present in lizards that makes it survive well in different habitats.
6. Adaptations observed in birds A theory that explains the adaptations present in the birds are explained.
7. Adaptations in camels Theory that explains the adaptations that are present in a camel present in the desert habitat.
8. Adaptations of animals present in polar regions A theory that explains the adaptations of animals present in the polar region - polar bear and penguin.
9. Adaptations present in mountain and forest habitat A theory that explains the adaptations present in the mountain habitat - yak, snow leopard, nilgiri tahr, and in the forest habitat - lion and deer.
10. Mindmap An object which summarizes the contents of the lesson - animals in daily life.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Examples of unicellular organisms 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. To learn and understand the examples of unicellular organisms.
2. Characteristics of unicellular and multicellular organisms 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. To familiarise the characteristics of the unicellular and multicellular organisms.
3. Fish adaptations 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. A fill in the blank exercise to understand the adaptations present in fishes.
4. Adaptations in birds and lizards 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. To familiarise the concept of adaptations in birds and lizards.
5. Polar bear, penguin and camel adaptations present in their habitats 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. To test the knowledge of adaptations present in polar regions - polar bears, penguins, and the in camel.
6. Hibernation, aestivation and adaptations in mountain and forest habitats 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. To test the students on the knowledge of aestivation, hibernation, adaptation that are present in nountain and forest habitat animals.
7. Biodiversity, abiotic and biotic components 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. An MCQ to understand the concepts of biodiversity, the components of the habitat - biotic and abiotic.
8. Amoeba, euglena, paramecium and unicellular organism characteristics 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. An MCQ on the unicellular organisms, and the examples of the unicellular organisms - amoeba, paramecium, and euglena.
9. Characteristics of multicellular and unicellular organisms 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. A fill in the blank exercise on the different characteristics that are unique to the unicellular and multicellular organisms.
10. Various adaptations present in fishes 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. A drag and drop exercise to test the knowledge of adaptations that are present in the fishes.
11. Adaptations present in lizards 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. To familiarise the concept of adaptations that are present in the lizard to various habitats.
12. Migration and adaptations observed in birds 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. MCQ exercise that tests the concept of migration in birds, and the various adaptations that are present in birds for flight.
13. Camel and its adaptations 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Fill in the blank exercise that tests the knowledge of adaptations that are present in camel to suit its habitat - desert.
14. Adaptations in various animals 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. A drag and drop exercise to choose the animal according to the adaptation that it has to the habitat.
15. Examples of aestivation, hibernation, adaptations in polar bear and penguin 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. A drag and drop exercise that familiarises the concept of aestivation, hibernation, adaptations present in animals that are present in polar regions.
16. Aestivation, hibernation, adaptations in mountain animals 3rd type - analysis medium 5 m. Multiple choice questions on the different adaptations present in animals where the questions are of the type who am I and to choose the odd one out.
17. Analysing the topic of adaptations and types of cells 3rd type - analysis hard 7 m. A multiple choice questions of the type assertion and reasoning based on the types of cells - unicellular and multicellular organism, and various adaptations present in animals.
18. Analysing the topic of living world of animals 3rd type - analysis hard 7 m. A drag and drop exercise to choose two statements that are true out of the five statements based on the concept of various types of animals, the habitat, and the adaptations present in animals due to the habitat.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Adaptations that are present in fish and lizard Other medium 4 m. An exercise to test the knowledge of various adaptations that are present in the fishes and lizards.
2. Activity: draw various ecosystems Other hard 10 m. An activity that tests the five different ecosystems present and the animals that inhabit these ecosystems.
3. Unicellular organisms - amoeba, euglena, paramecium Other hard 7 m. A drag and drop exercise to identify the parts of the unicellular organism - amoeba, euglena, and paramecium.
4. Adaptations in lizards, fishes and uni- and multicellular organisms Other hard 9 m. Answer in detail questions on the various adaptations that are present in lizards, fishes, and the differences between unicelluolar and multicellular organisms.
5. Questions on adaptations present in birds and camels Other hard 9 m. Answer in detail question on the various adaptations that are present in birds and camel to suit their respective habitats.
6. Survival of polar region animals in other habitats Other hard 6 m. Answer in detail why changing habitats make the animals difficult to survive,
7. Adaptations of birds Other easy 1 m. This exercise consists of two textbook questions; each question holds one mark. The student has to choose the best answer, and the questions deal with habitat and adaptations observed in birds. As an outcome of the exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts.
8. Unicellular organism characteristics Other medium 2.5 m. An MCQ on the unicellular organisms, and the examples of the unicellular organisms - amoeba, paramecium, and euglena.
9. Adaptations in mountain animals Other medium 2.5 m. Multiple choice questions on the different adaptations present in animals where the questions are of the type who am I and to choose the odd one out.
10. Adaptations in forest habitat Other hard 3.5 m. A multiple choice questions of the type assertion and reasoning based on the types of cells - unicellular and multicellular organism, and various adaptations present in animals.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test 1 00:15:00 medium 9 m. A training test that tests the knowledge on example of unicellular organisms, the characteristics of unicellular and multicellular organisms, and habitat components.
2. Training test 2 00:15:00 medium 10 m. A training test that tests the knowledge on the adaptations present in fishes, birds and lizards.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 1 00:20:00 medium 10 m. A homework test that involves an activity to draw verious ecosystems.
2. Homework 2 00:20:00 medium 15 m. A homework test that tests the knowledge on the various adaptations present in the birds, camel, lizard, and in the animals present in the polar regions.
3. Homework 3 00:15:00 medium 12 m. A homework test that tests the knowledge of the students in the concepts of survival in the polar region, hibernation, aestivation, and adaptations present in the camel.
4. Progress test 1 00:20:00 medium 18 m. A progress test that tests the concept of adaptations, habitat, adaptations present in specific habitats, and adaptations present in various animals.
5. Progress test 2 00:15:00 medium 16 m. A progress test that trains the students on the topic of unicellular and multicellular organisms, the characteristics of each of these, and the examples of them.
6. Progress test 2 00:20:00 medium 17 m. A progress test that analyses and tests the concept of types of cells, habitats, adaptations present in the organisms to be present in various habitats, and migration.
7. Progress test 3 00:20:00 medium 19 m. To train and test the knowledge on aestivation, hibernation, various habitats and adaptations present in these organisms.
8. Periodic Assessment 00:15:00 medium 8 m. PA1