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What are the major steps involved in this wool factory.
a. The derivation and processing of wool involve ________ major steps. The removal of the fleece of the sheep from its body is known as _________. The sheep are sheared __________, mainly during the _______ season.
b. The breaking down of the fleece based on the overall quality is known as __________. The fleece from the same sheep may be different from different parts of the body. Hence, it is sorted out into ____________.
c. The wool obtained directly from the sheep is ___________. This wool is washed thoroughly with soap or detergents to remove dirt, dust, and grease is known as or .
d. During __________, the dried wool is carefully removed, and the fibres are passed through the _________ with a series of metal teeth that straighten and blend into slivers. This process arranges the wool into a flat sheet called a _____________.
e. During __________, the web is pulled into _________, which are subsequently spun into yarn. The strands are twisted into yarn by the spinning machinery. Wool balls are formed by ___________. This yarn is either woven into the cloth or kept to knit it.