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The five-kingdom classification was proposed by R.H. Whittaker in \(1969\).
Robert Whittaker classified living organisms into five-kingdoms on the basis of their cell structure, mode and source of nutrition, and body organization.
  • Monera
  • Protista
  • Fungi
  • Plantae
  • Animalia
Five kingdom classification
The important characteristics of five-kingdom classification:
table 2.jpg
Merits of five-kingdom classification:
  • It is a system of classification that is more scientific and natural.
  • In this classification system, the cellular organisation, mode of nutrition, and characters for the early evolution of life are indicated.
  • As in this classification, all the different groups of organisms are placed phylogenetically; it is the most accepted modern classification system.
  • It is a system that indicates the gradual evolution of complex organisms from simpler ones.
Demerits of five-kingdom classification
  • According to this system, multicellular organisms have originated several times from the protists.
  • The viruses are not given a proper place in this system.
  • It is a classification that draws back with reference to the lower forms of life.
  • Certain organisms that are included under Protista are not eukaryotes.