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Carbon dioxide is neither combustible gas nor supports for combustion.
Reaction with metals:
Lighter metals such as sodium, potassium and calcium, combine with \(CO_2\) to form corresponding carbonates, while magnesium gives its oxide and carbon.
Reaction with sodium hydroxide (alkali):
When an acid reacts with a base, it forms salt and water. Carbon dioxide is an acidic oxide, which reacts with sodium hydroxide (a base) to form salt and water.
Reaction with lime water (calcium hydroxide or \(Ca(OH)_2\)):
When carbon dioxide slightly passes through lime water, it forms a white precipitate (milky appearance milky) of calcium carbonate.
When adding an excess amount of carbon dioxide through lime water, it forms a precipitate, and the precipitate disappears due to the formation of soluble calcium hydrogen carbonate (\(Ca(HCO_3)_2\)).