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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Inroduction to light Describes the basics of light.
2. Visible of light Describes the basics of light.
3. Light and sources of light It contains introduction to light and sources of light.
4. Introduction to Mirrors Describes the basics of Mirror.
5. Types of Mirrors Describes the basics of Mirror.
6. Activity on image formation Helps to understand the process of image formation.
7. Types of spherical mirror Explains the cancave and convex mirrors.
8. image formation in Spherical mirror Describes how the image is formed in Spherical mirrors.
9. Images formed by concave and convex mirrors Describes how the images are formed by concave and convex mirrors.
10. Applications of curved mirrors Explains the various applications of Concave and Convex mirrors.
11. Laws of reflection Explains the laws of reflection.
12. Types of reflection Describes the types of reflection.
13. Multiple reflections Explains the concept of multiple reflections.
14. Activity to understand multiple reflections Explains the muliptle refelction concept.
15. Parabolic mirror Describes the Parabolic mirror.
16. Kaleidoscope Describes the construction and working of Kaleidoscope.
17. Activity to make Kaleidoscope Explains the procedure to make the Kaleidoscope.
18. Periscope Descibes the working of Periscope.
19. Refraction of light Explains the basic concept of refraction of light.
20. Refraction index Expalins the concept of refraction index.
21. Snell’s Law of Refraction Expalins the Snell's law of reflection.
22. Activity to understand Dispersion Helps to understand the concept of Dispersion with an example.
23. Basics of Dispersion Describes the basics of dispersion.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Pick out the odd one 1st type - receptive easy 1 m. Exercise to remember the terminologies related to Mirror.
2. Problem on Radius of Curvature 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Practice problem on focal length.
3. Problem on Focal length 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Practice problem on focal length.
4. Exercise on types of mirror 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Helps to understand the types of mirror.
5. Exercise on basics of light and laws of reflection 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Helps to understand the basics of light and laws of reflection.
6. Exercise on basics of mirror 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Helps to understand the basic concepts in mirror.
7. Fill in the blanks 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Exercise to expertise the terminologies related to mirror.
8. Types of reflection 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Excercise based on regular and irregular reflection.
9. Exercise on Image formation 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Helps to understand the concept of Image formation.
10. Exercise on terms related to convex mirror 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. Exercise to identify the terms related to image formation.
11. Problem on multiple refelection 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Practice a problem on multiple reflection.
12. Match the type of mirrors with images 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Exercise to understand the different types of mirror through images.
13. Problem on refractive index 2nd type - interpretation medium 1 m. Practice a problem on refractive index.
14. Calculate angle of incidence using snell's law 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Practice a problem to find angle of incidence using snell's law.
15. Calculate refractive index using snell's law 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Practice a problem to find refractive index using snell's law.
16. Calculate the Refractive index 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Practice a problem to find the refractive index of glass with respect to refractive index of water.
17. Find the Speed of the light in medium 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Practice a problem to find the Speed of the light in medium.
18. Exercise on Kaleidoscope and Periscope 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Exercise to understand the basics of Kaleidoscope and Periscope.
19. Match the type of reflection with images 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Exercise to understand the type of reflection through images.
20. Match the position of the object and image in concave mirror 3rd type - analysis medium 5 m. Practice to understand the image formation in concave image.
21. Match the position of the object and image size in concave mirror 3rd type - analysis medium 5 m. Practice to understand the image formation in concave image.
22. Match the position of the object and image in convex mirror 3rd type - analysis medium 2 m. Practice to understand the image formation in convex image.
23. Numerical based on laws of reflection 3rd type - analysis medium 6 m. It contains numerical based on laws of reflection.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Activity to understand the image formation through multiple reflections. Other medium 6 m. Helps to understand how the angle between the mirrors influencing the no. of images formed.
2. Activity to understand the influence of angle between the mirrors Other hard 15 m. Aids to understand how the images are formed through multiple reflections.
3. Activity to understand refraction Other hard 6 m. Helps to understand the concept of refraction through activity.
4. Types of mirror Other medium 1 m. Helps to understand the types of mirror.
5. Light and laws of reflection Other medium 1 m. Helps to understand the basics of light and laws of reflection.
6. Refractive index Other medium 1 m. Practice a problem on refractive index.
7. Multiple reflections Other medium 1 m. Exercise to understand the basics of Kaleidoscope and Periscope.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test 1 00:25:00 medium 5 m.
2. Training test 2 00:25:00 medium 7 m.
3. Training test 3 00:25:00 medium 6 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 1 00:30:00 medium 14 m.
2. Homework 2 00:30:00 medium 9 m.
3. Homework 3 00:25:00 medium 12 m.
4. Homework 4 00:30:00 medium 6 m.
5. Homework 5 00:30:00 medium 7 m.
6. Progress test 1 00:40:00 medium 13 m.
7. Progress test 2 00:45:00 medium 15 m.
8. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 4 m. PA 1 - Light