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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. What is adolescence To learn what is adolescence, and who are teenagers.
2. Puberty A theoretical material that discusses puberty, the factors that affect puberty and changes observed in height, weight and body proportion.
3. Primary and secondary sexual characteristics Explains the primary and secondary sexual characteristics, the role of androgens and estrogens, and the mental and emotional maturity observed in adolescents.
4. Secondary sexual characteristics in boys A theory that explains various secondary sexual characteristics observed in boys during adolescence.
5. Secondary sexual characteristics present in girls A theory that explains various secondary sexual characteristics observed in girls during adolescence.
6. Role of hormones in puberty and reproduction A theory that explains the various hormones, their roles and functions in the adolescent body.
7. Reproductive phase in humans Explains the reproductive phase in humans, and explains in detail the reproductive phase in female.
8. Menstrual cycle A theory that explains the menstrual cycle in females.
9. Reproductive health A theory that explains the reproductive health, cleanliness, personal hygiene and importance of exercise in adolescents.
10. Nutrient requirements for adolescents A theory that explains the nutritional requirements of adolescents, the importance of a balanced diet, and the importance of minerals in your diet.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Adolescence Other easy 2 m. A fill in the blank exercise that familiarises the concept of adolescence and puberty.
2. Changes in boys that are associated with puberty Other easy 2 m. A drag and drop exercise that differentiates the changes that are associated in the boys as well as girls.
3. Changes associated with puberty and adolescence Other easy 2 m. A drop down exercise that familiarises the concept of changes that are observed in adolescents with the onset of puberty.
4. Examples of endocrine glands Other easy 2 m. A drag and drop exercise to identify the endocrine glands from the given examples.
5. Primary and secondary sexual characteristics in male and female Other hard 3 m. A multiple choice questions that tests the knowledge of the primary and secondary sexual characteristics observed in male and female.
6. Hormones and women reproductive life Other easy 3 m. A multiple choice questions based on the women reproductive life and also the function of various hormones.
7. Changes seen in puberty and secondary sexual characteristics Other medium 5 m. A drag and drop exercise that familiarises the concept of the primary, secondary charcteristics in male and female and also the changes seen during puberty.
8. Adolescence and puberty changes observed Other medium 5 m. A multiple choice questions that tests the students on the concept of changes that are observed in adolescence and puberty in boys and girls.
9. Hormones - testosterone and estrogen, primary sexual charcteristics in boys Other medium 5 m. A drop down exercise that familiarises the concept of the male and female sex hormone - testosterone, estrogen, and also theprimary sexual characteristics present in boys.
10. Other changes in puberty in boys and girls - voice change, mental maturity Other medium 4 m. A multiple choice questions that questions the concepts on the changes present in boys as well as girls during puberty.
11. Roles of hormones present in the body Other medium 4 m. A drag and drop exercise on the function of hormones - follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone.
12. Menstrual cycle and the reproductive phase of women Other medium 5 m. A fill in the blank exercise based on the concept of the menstrual cycle and the reproductive phase of women - menarche, ovulation, menstruation, and menopause.
13. Factors that influence reproductive health and balanced diet Other medium 5 m. A multiple choice questions on the factors that affect the reproductive health and the importance of balanced diet, sleep, and exercise.
14. Different hormones and their functions Other medium 5 m. A drag and drop exercise - analogy type of questions and find the hormone based on its function.
15. Reproductive phase in women - menstrual cycle and pregnancy Other hard 7 m. A drag and drop exercise that tests the knowledge of students on the step wise illustration of menstruation and pregnancy.
16. Primary and secondary sexual characteristics and changes observed in puberty Other hard 7 m. A drag and drop exercise that analyses the two correct statement from the set of statements related to primary, secondary sexual characteristics and menstrual cycle.
17. Hormones and reproductive health Other hard 6 m. A multiple choice question to analyse the concept of the various hormones, the role of hormones, reproductive health, and the importance of exercise, sleep, and balanced diet in the adolescents.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Role of minerals in diet and menstrual cycle in women Other medium 5 m. A true or false exercise based on the role of minerals in the diet for adolescents, the mineral deficiency it causes when consumed less, and the menstrual cycle of the women.
2. Activity - to tabulate the meal consumed Other medium 0 m. An activity to know the diet of the student and to make him understand what is balanced diet.
3. Endocrine glands and menstrual cycle Other medium 5 m. A drag and drop exercise to identify the various endocrine glands and the phases of menstrual cycle in the female reproductive life.
4. Adolescence, changes observed in puberty Other hard 0 m. Answer in detail question on what is adolescence, what is puberty and the primary and secondary sexual characteristics observed in boys as well as girls.
5. Reproductive phase in females and nutritional requirements for adolescents Other hard 0 m. Answer in detail type of questions in the topic of menstrual cycle, reproductive phase in women, the importance of diet, exercise and personal hygiene in adolescents.
6. Activity - to draw endocrine glands Other hard 11 m. An activity that tests the students to draw the various endocrine glands present and to know the role of hormones in the reproduction.
7. Reaching the age of adolescence Other easy 1 m. This exercise consists of two textbook questions; each questions holds one mark. The student has to choose the best answer; and the questions deals with adolescence and puberty. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts.
8. Puberty Other easy 1 m. This exercise consists of three textbook questions; each questions holds one mark. The student has to choose the best answer; and the questions deals with hormones, reproductive system, and changes seen in puberty. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts.
9. Hormones in reproduction Other easy 1 m. This exercise consists of three textbook questions; each questions holds one mark. The student has to choose the best answer; and the questions deals with hormones, menstruation, and the importance of minerals. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts.
10. Reproductive phases of life in humans Other easy 1 m. This exercise consists of three textbook questions; each questions holds one mark. The student has to fill in the best answer; and the questions deals with importance of minerals and human reproductive system. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:15:00 medium 6 m. A homework test to test the knowledge of students on the concept of changes that are seen in the boys and girls due to puberty and adolescence, and the role of hormones in these changes.
2. Homework III 00:20:00 medium 9 m. A homework test that comprises an activity to tabulate the meal consumed by the children, the role of hormones in the reproduction and sexual characteristics.
3. Homework IV 00:10:00 medium 8 m. A training test that tests the knowledge of the concepts based on adolescence, changes seen in puberty in boys and girls.
4. Revision test I 00:20:00 medium 17 m. A progress test based on the concept of adolescents changes observed in male, female, and the primary and secondary sexual characteristics observed.
5. Revision test II 00:20:00 medium 17 m. A progress test that familiarises the concept of sex hormones - testosterone and estrogen, the reproductive health, and the menstrual cycle in women.
6. Revision test III 00:20:00 medium 19 m. A progress test that tests the knowledge of students in the areas of menstrual cycle and the reproductive phase of women, the factors that influence the reproductive health and importance of balanced diet.
7. Revision test IV 00:20:00 medium 5 m. A progress test that familiarises the concept of adolescence, changes observed due to adolescence and puberty, the hormones involved in menstrual cycle, and the reproductive phase of women.
8. Revision test V 00:15:00 medium 10 m. A training test that tests the concepts on the endocrine glands, changes observed in male and female due to puberty, and the primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
9. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 8 m. PA 2