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Animal biological names in Latin have two distinct parts. For example, Homo sapiens (human beings) or tiger (Panthera tigris). This naming convention is introduced by Carolus Linnaeus called 'binomial nomenclature'.
The first name denotes the genus and the second name denotes the species name of the animal.
- The genus name should start with a capital letter
- The species name should be in small letters
Some common binomial names of some animals are given below:
Animal | Biological name |
Amoeba | Amoeba proteus |
Hydra | Hydra vulgaris |
Tapeworm | Taenia solium |
Roundworm | Ascaris lumbricoides |
Earthworm | Lampito mauritii/ Perionyx excavatus |
Leech | Hirudinaria granulosa |
Cockroach | Periplaneta americana |
Snail | Pila globosa |
Starfish | Asterias rubens |
Frog | Rana hexadactyla |
Wall lizard | Podarcis muralis |
Crow | Corvus splendens |
Peacock | Pavo cristatus |
Dog | Canis familiaris |
Cat | Felis felis |
Tiger | Panthera tigris |
Man | Homo sapiens |
Dove | Spilopelia chinensis |
Image credit:
Carolus Linnaeus: Free image from Wikipedia; https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Carl_von_Linn%C3%A9%2C_1707-1778%2C_botanist%2C_professor_%28Alexander_Roslin%29_-_Nationalmuseum_-_15723.tif/lossy-page1-1200px-Carl_von_Linn%C3%A9%2C_1707-1778%2C_botanist%2C_professor_%28Alexander_Roslin%29_-_Nationalmuseum_-_15723.tif.jpg