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The rearing of honey bees for honey is known as apiculture or beekeeping. Apiculture is a rural-based industry that is highly profitable.
Honey bees are insects that are domesticated by farmers for the production of honey.
Types of honey bees:
In the colony of a honey bee, there are three types of individuals. They are queen bee, the drones and the worker bees.
Queen bee:
The fertile female and largest member of the colony is the queen bee. These are the bees formed from fertile eggs and are responsible for laying eggs in the colony.
These are the fertile males who develop from unfertilized eggs. They are larger than the workers but are smaller than the queens. The main function of these bees is to fertilize the eggs that are produced by the queen.
Worker bees:
These are the sterile female bees and are the smallest members of the colony. The main function of these bees is to collect honey, take care of the young ones, clean the comb, protect the hive and maintain the temperature of the beehive.
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Types of bees
Different species of bees
1. Indigenous species:
These are the bees that are native of India.
Apis dorsata (Rock bee or Wild bee),  Apis florea (Little bee), Apis indica (Indian bee) are some of the examples of indigenous varieties.
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From top left: Apis dorsata, Apis florea, Apis indica
2. Exotic species:
These are the bees that belongs different countries.
Apis mellifera (Italian bee), Apis andreniformis (African bee) are examples of exotic varieties.
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Apis mellifera, Apis andreniformis