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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. An introduction to plant physiology A detailed introduction to the topic plant physiology that what are its contents and recalling about the movement in animals.
2. Tropism in plants A detailed discussion about tropism and the types of tropism.
3. Nastic movements A detailed discussion about the nastic movements, its types and the differences between tropic movements and nastic movements.
4. Photosynthesis and its requirements A detailed discussion about photosynthesis and how important are its requirements.
5. Transpiration and its types A detailed discussion about the importance, and types of transpiration with the help of an experiment.
6. Mind map A conceptual map that helps in recalling all the concepts learnt in the topic Plant physiology.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Tropism and its types 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. A fill in the blank exercise that helps us to recall tropism and its types.
2. Choose the best ones pertaining to photosynthesis 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. An exercise in consisting of choose the correct abswer questions related to photosynthesis and its requirements.
3. Transpiration 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. An exercise in which right answers regarding transpiration are to be dragged.
4. Types of nastic movements 2nd type - interpretation easy 2 m. A true or false exercise which helps in recalling the various types of nastic movements.
5. Identify the movements in plants 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. An exercise that helps in recalling about the varioius types of movements in plants.
6. Differences between tropism and nastic movements 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. To know about the differences in between tropism and nastic movements.
7. Answer in a word about the movements and physiological processes of plants 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. An exercise consisting of answer in a word questions about movements and physiological processes of plants.
8. Photosynthesis and transpiration 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. To know about photosynthesis and transpiration with the help of true or false exercise.
9. Movements in plants 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. An exercise consisting of multiple choice questionswhich help in recalling the types of movments.
10. Types of transpiration 3rd type - analysis medium 4.5 m. An exercise in which the different types of transpiration are to be analysed.
11. Choose the right options related to plant physiology 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. An exercise in which given the given statements are to be analysed based on the varioius concepts related to plant physiology.
12. Analyse the right statements regarding the movements in plants 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. An exercise in which the right statements about the different movements in plants are to be analysed.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Analyse the movements shown by plants Other medium 4 m. An exercise in which the student has to recall and apply about the movements showed by the plants.
2. Answer in detail about plant phyiosology Other hard 12 m. An exercise consisting of subjective type questions picked from plant physiology.
3. Requirements of photosynthesis Other hard 15 m. An activity based exercise that helps us to recall and understand the requiremenrts of photosynthesis.
4. An activity to demonstrate that what happens during transpiration Other hard 8 m. An activity based exercise thats helps us in recalling that what happens during transpiration.
5. An activity to identify the movements showed by plants Other hard 6 m. An actvity based exercise that helps in recalling the various movements showed by plants. In this exercise one has to identify the type of movement showed by the plant.
6. Tropism in plants Other medium 1 m.
7. Nastic movements Other medium 1 m.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test 1 00:15:00 easy 8 m. To train the students about the different movments in plants, photosynthesis and its requirements.
2. Training test 2 00:15:00 medium 10 m. To test the students about the various movements showed in plants, photosynthesis and transpiration.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework test 1 00:20:00 medium 12 m. A homework test that consists of an activity with the help of which we can understand the various movements showed by plants, an exrcise about tropism and an exercise about the differences between tropic movements and nastic movements.
2. Homework test 2 00:20:00 medium 15 m. A homework test that consists of an activity pertaining to the requirements of photosynthesis.
3. Homework test 3 00:20:00 medium 12.5 m. To test the students about transpiration with the help of an activity and the types of transpiration with the help of an exercise.
4. Progress test 1 00:20:00 medium 16 m. A progress that consists of answer in word and answer in detail exercises related to plant physiology.
5. Progress test 2 00:20:00 medium 16 m. A test that analyses the students about the different movements showed by plants and the process that occur in plants such as photosynthesis and transpiration.
6. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 4 m. PA 1 - Plant physiology