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Sound is a type of energy that gives us the sensation of hearing. Some sounds are enjoyable to listen to, while others are not. However, all sounds are created by the vibrations of substances. These vibrations travel through a medium as disturbances and eventually reach our ears as sound. The human ear can only hear a limited range of frequencies, as well as a limited range of energy. We can't hear sound clearly if it's below a certain level of intensity. The sound quality varies from one to the next.
What are the causes of all of this?
It is because sound has a variety of properties. We will learn about sound production and propagation, as well as its various other characteristics, in this lesson. We will also learn about ultrasonic waves and their applications.
Production of sound:
In your daily life, you are exposed to a variety of sounds from various sources. But have you ever considered how sound is created? Let's do an activity to learn about sound production.
Step 1: Strike the prongs of a tuning fork on a rubber pad.
Step 2: Bring it up close to your ear. Is there any sound?
Step 3: Now, place your finger on the tuning fork.
Tuning fork
What are your thoughts? Do you feel vibrations?
The tuning fork begins to vibrate when you strike it on the rubber pad. These vibrations cause molecules nearby to vibrate. As a result, the sound is created by vibrations.
What is vibration?
Vibration means a kind of rapid to and fro motion of a particle. This to and fro motion of the particle causes the substances around it to vibrate. Thus, sound spreads to the surroundings.