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Democracy in its very nature essentially promotes and preserves the dignity and fundamental rights of citizens.
Basic objectives  of Democracy:
The aim of democracy includes the following,
1. The power is vested in the hands of the people. For that, the people should have the right to make decisions.
2. Everyone cannot participate in decision-making. So, the representative government is elected by the people to form a democratic system.
3. All those who attain the age of 18 are given the voting rights to elect the representatives (Universal Adult Franchise).
4. The representatives have the responsibility to protect the welfare of the people.
Universal Adult Franchise:
The principle of one vote per person is also known as the universal adult franchise. The Universal Adult Franchise implies that all citizens who are \(18\ \)years and above irrespective of their caste or education, religion, colour, race, and economic conditions are eligible to vote.
One citizen per person
World Democracy:
New Zealand is the first country to allow women to vote (\(1893\)). Voting rights to women were given in \(1918\) and \(1920\) in the UK and USA respectively.
Women Voting Rights
At the same time, the wealthy alone were given the voting rights in India. Many leaders like Mahatma Gandhi kept insisting on giving voting rights to all. Now in India, all the people above 18 years of age enjoy Universal Adult Franchise.
Mahatma Gandhi
Oldest Democracies in the World:
Many countries contributed to the growth and evolution of democracy. In that,  European countries played a significant contributor role.
Democracy Period Location Significance
5th century
Greece Foundation of political philosophy
Roman  Empires Democracy 300 BC – 50  BC (BCE) Italian Peninsula,  RomeLoads of expansions of the  growth of civilization
San Merinos
AD (CE) 301 ItalyEarliest written constitution
The Iceland

 AD (CE) 930 ThingvellirThe oldest and longest
functioning parliament
in the world
The Isle  of Man’s Democracy AD (CE) 927 Between Great  Britain and  Ireland Self governing possessions  of the crown
13th Century
England Magna Carta of \(1215\)
 US Democracy
United States of
The oldest standing