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Flood causes serious damages to the life and properties. Early awareness and precautionary measures should be followed during the flood period.
• To find out if the settlement area is to be affected by flood or not.
• Keeping radio, torch, and additional batteries storing drinking water, dry food items, salt, and sugar. Safeguarding materials like kerosene, candle, matchbox, clothes, and valuable things.
• Keeping umbrellas and bamboo poles.
• Keeping a first aid box and strong ropes to bind things.
• To dig canals from the farmland, drain the excess water, keep sandbags, etc.,

Safety materials
• Try to connect electricity once it is cut.
• Operate vehicles
• Swim against floods
• Avoid going on excursions.
• Neglect flood warning messages
• Cut off gas connection and electricity.
• Keep sandbags on drainage holes and bathroom holes.
• Leave immediately through the known passage or prescribed passage
• Drink hot water.
• Use bleaching powder to keep your environment hygienic.
• Before using match sticks and candles, ensure that there is no gas leakage.
• Don’t eat more food when you are affected by diarrhea.
• Don’t try to take anything that floats in the flood.