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Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
The king was in charge of the central government. The king wielded immense influence as the state's leader. The king's instructions were written on palm leaves or engraved on the temple walls by his officials. The throne was hereditary. As the heir apparent, the king chose his eldest son. Yuvaraja was his name. The Yuvarajas were appointed to the provinces as governors primarily to provide administrative training.
The empire, for administrative convenience, was divided into provinces or mandalams. Each mandalam was sub-divided into naadus. Within each naadu, there were many kurrams (groups of villages). The lowest unit was the gramam (village).
Local Governance:
The local administration was supported by several organisations, including Urar, Sabhaiyar, Nagarattar, and Nattar. Agricultural growth spawned a slew of peasant settlements throughout the countryside. Ur was the name given to them. The Urar, who were landowners, served as the Ur's spokesmen. Sabhaiyar also performed administrative, financial, and judicial functions in Brahman villages.
Nagarattar was in charge of trade settlements. Nagaram did have skilled artisans such as masons, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, weavers, and potters. Nattar acted as a Nadu assembly, resolving all disputes and issues that arose in the state.
Various committees served in the Ur, Sabha, Nagaram, and Nadu assemblies. Irrigation, highways, temples, parks, revenue collection, and religious festivals were all handled by the committees.
Write the answers for all the questions given below:
Answer variants:
1. King's eldest sons was known as.
2. Thewas in charge of trade settlements.
3. The Yuvarajas were appointed to the provinces as primarily to provide administrative training.