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The main authority for crisis management in India is the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), which is led by India's Prime Minister.
The Disaster Management Act of \(2005\) mandates the establishment of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) and the construction of an enabling environment for institutional mechanisms at the State and District levels.
The NDMA is responsible for establishing disaster management policies, plans, and recommendations. India wants to foster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, and response mentality.
The Indian government works to foster a national determination to reduce the damage and destruction caused by natural and man-made catastrophes by enlisting the help of all government departments, non-government organizations, and citizens.
Disaster management in Tamil Nadu:
The Tamil Nadu State Disaster Management Authority (TNSDMA) is in charge of all mitigation, readiness, response, and recovery efforts that are carried out under the Authority's guidance and supervision.
A total of \(80\) police officers have been assigned to the Tamil Nadu State Disaster Response Force (SDRF). In conjunction with the National Crisis Response Force, they were trained in disaster management and rescue operations.
At the district level, the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) is in charge of disaster management.
State Disaster Management plan:
The Revenue and Disaster Management Department produced a prospective plan for \(2018-2030\).
A hotline has been created between the Indian Meteorological Department and the State Emergency Operation Center, and mitigation in the District is carried out via telephone, fax, and IP phones, which connect the State with District Headquarters, Taluks, and Blocks.
In addition, the state has a wireless radio network with both high and very high frequencies.

General Survival Techniques:
1. Be under the table, chair, kneel to the floor, and protect yourself during the earthquake. Go near a solid wall, sit on the floor, and protect yourself by holding the floor firmly.
2. Only use torch lights.
3. Stock up on essentials such as first aid during a flood warning. For instructions, tune in to your local radio or television station. During a flood or earthquake, turn off all electrical supply.
4. In the event of a fire, contact \(101\) for assistance.
5. "Don't Run; Stop, Drop, and Roll" if your clothing are on fire.
6. Road accidents can be avoided by allowing only those with a driver's licence to drive. When strolling or driving down the road, learn, preach, and practise safety principles.
7. Keep an eye on the train. Railways can approach at any time from either route.
8. Never sit on the Station Platform's edge.
9. Cross the tracks with caution.
10. Pay close attention to the flight crew's safety demonstration while boarding the aircraft, and read the safety briefing card in the seat pocket carefully.
Wrap up:
1. Both the hazard and the disaster cause significant physical damage to property and even result in significant human deaths.

2. During such a biological or artificial crisis, disaster planning refers to preserving lives and properties.

3. The six disaster management cycles include preparation, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and development.

4. Various disaster management organisations exist in both the state and federal governments.

5. Natural disasters include earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and cyclones.

6. Unnatural disasters include fire and industrial accidents.

7. If there are any accidents, phone \(100\) for the police, \(101\) for the fire department, and (108\) for the ambulance.