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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction to population geography Let's learn about population and population geography.
2. Race Here we get to know important human races and their characteristic features.
3. Religion Now, we are about to learn what religion is? And How are they classified?
4. Language Here you are introduced to the language and important regional languages of India.
5. Settlement Here you get a brief knowledge of settlements, their associated activities, and factors influencing settlements.
6. Patterns and Hierarchy of Settlements Here we get introduced to patterns and hierarchy of settlements.
7. Rural Settlements In this unit, we learn about various factors influencing rural settlements and the patterns of rural settlements.
8. Urban Settlements In this unit we learn about various factors influencing rural settlements and the patterns of urban settlements.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Races & Religions 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Check your spellings with this exercise.
2. Regional languages of India 3rd type - analysis easy 2 m. Learn regional languages of different states with this exercise.
3. Religious symbols and religions 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Learn about the religious symbols
4. Place of worship for different religions 3rd type - analysis easy 2 m. Learn about the place of worship for different religions.
5. Population Geography 2nd type - interpretation easy 2 m. Learn about population geography in this exercise.
6. Characteristics of different races 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Test your understanding of different races with this exercise.
7. Religion 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Learn about religions in this exercise.
8. Important human races 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Study about important human races.
9. Four important human races 3rd type - analysis medium 3 m. Analyse and learn about four important human races.
10. Compact & Dispersed settlement 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. This Chapter consists of practice exercise questions based on the topic "Compact and dispersed settlements".
11. Universalizing, Ethnic and Traditional religions 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Acquire knowledge on Universalizing, Ethnic and Traditional religions.
12. Urban Settlement 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Examine your understanding of Urban settlements.
13. Patterns of Rural Settlements 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Acquire knowledge on patterns of rural settlements.
14. Language and State 3rd type - analysis medium 2 m. Examine your understanding of the regional languages of India.
15. Population & different urban settlements 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Let's test our understanding of Population & different urban settlements.
16. Human races and its characteristics 3rd type - analysis hard 2 m. Analyse and acquire knowledge on important human races & their characteristics.
17. Causasoid, Negroid, Mongolid & Australoid 3rd type - analysis hard 4 m. Acquire knowledge about Causasoid, Negroid, Mongolid & Australoid.
18. Types of rural settlements 3rd type - analysis hard 2 m. Understanding rural settlements.
19. Types of Urban settlement 3rd type - analysis hard 2 m. Recall types of Urban settlement
20. Puzzle 2nd type - interpretation hard 10 m. Recall various terms of Race, Religion and Settlement.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Map work Other medium 5 m. Let's test your understanding of the races and their respective regions.
2. Types of Settlements Other medium 6 m. Answer the questions briefly and test your in-depth understanding of Types of Settlements.
3. Urban Settlements Other medium 6 m. Answer the questions briefly and test your in-depth understanding of features of Urban Settlement.
4. Human Race Other medium 6 m. Answer the questions briefly and test your in-depth understanding of Human Race.
5. Population Other medium 6 m. Answer the questions briefly and test your in-depth understanding of Population.
6. Characteristics of Rural Settlement Other medium 6 m. Answer the questions briefly and test your in-depth understanding of characteristics of Rural Settlement.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training Test 1 00:10:00 easy 6 m. This test is a small recap to check your understanding of the chapter.
2. Training Test 2 00:10:00 medium 6 m. This test is a small recap to check your understanding of the chapter.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 1 00:15:00 medium 11 m. This test is intended to check the understanding and recollection of the chapter.
2. Homework 2 00:15:00 medium 12 m. This test is intended to check the understanding and recollection of the chapter.
3. Homework 3 00:15:00 medium 11 m. This test is intended to check the understanding and recollection of the chapter.
4. Progress Test 1 00:15:00 medium 12 m. This test is to evaluate the progress of the student.
5. Progress Test 2 00:15:00 medium 10 m. This test is to evaluate the progress of the student.
6. Progress Test 3 00:15:00 medium 11 m. This test is to evaluate the progress of the student.