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Women Rights
Women are an integral part of society and are entitled to the rights which are guaranteed by the UN Charter and UDHR. Both men and women should be treated equally without any discrimination across the world.

Equality of rights is the cornerstone of peace, security and sustainability as declared by the United Nations charter.

CEDAW (\(1979)\):

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was adopted in \(1979\) by the United Nations General Assembly.
The Convention states discrimination against women and sets up a framework to end such inhumane practices. This convention is often dubbed the “International bill of rights for women”.
In the year \(1995\): The Fourth World Conference on Women (4WCW) took place in Beijing, China which charted out a platform for action on Women “Beijing Platform for Action (BPA) ".
The Beijing Platform for action became a formal blueprint for women’s equality across the world.

UNIFEM \((1995)\):

The United Nations Development Fund for Women had created a two-pronged strategy for achieving gender equality and empowerment of women. It undertakes work at the country level, which allows them to frame their policies for the empowerment of women.
Women Rights in India
The Women of India are an integral part of society that was deprived of their rights in the earlier periods. Slowly the equality of rights was bestowed upon them when years passed.

After the \(19^{th}\) Century women slowly gained their rights and held various top positions of the country from Prime Minister to President.
NCW: The national commission for women is a statutory body established in the year \(1992\) under the “National Commission for Women Act \(1990\)”. It provides legal and constitutional provisions for the women of India.
Other Constitutional provisions such as:
  • Article \(14\) (Right to Equality),
  • Article \(15\) (Prohibition against discrimination), and
  • Article \(39 B\) (Equal Pay for Equal work) allow women their righteous claims in society.
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