PDF chapter test TRY NOW

Use the clues to fill in the words above.
  • Draw/ print the below given puzzle on the chart
  • Then, complete the puzzle using the hints given and
  • Finally, fill in the blanks given below
  • Words can go across or down.
  • Letters are shared when the words intersect.
puzzle ques weather and climate.jpg
1. size of raindrops is <0.5mm in diameter, then it is.
6. The process in which plant roots absorb water and then release the water in the form of vapour through the leaves.
7. precipitation occurs as round pellets of ice larger than 5mm in diameter.
8. liquid precipitation
9. partially frozen rain.
1. water drop on the surface of an object as a result of condensation.
2. process in which liquid water changes into water vapour below its boiling point.
3. The downward movement of water through soil and rock layers.
4. The process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil.
5. ground cloud