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Agro-Based Industries
Industries that source raw material from agriculture and allied activities are referred to as Agro-Based Industries. Plant and animal-based products are the raw materials for these industries.
Food Processing, Vegetable Oil, Cotton Textile, Dairy Products, Tea industry, Coffee industry etc.
Industrial production of tomato paste
Mineral-Based Industries
Industries that use minerals as their raw materials are termed Mineral Based Industries. Iron (Steel) made from iron ore is the product of mineral-based industry.
Cement, Machine Tools, Iron and Steel, Copper smelting etc.
Marine Based Industries
Raw materials for these industries are products from the sea and oceans.
Processed Sea Food, Fish, Oil manufacturing units etc.
Forest-Based Industries
Industries using forest products as their raw materials are termed as Forest-Based Industries.
Pulp & Paper, Timber and Sawn Wood Industries, Furniture and Some Pharmaceuticals industries, etc.