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Beauty is heard
In the night,
Wind sighing, rain falling,
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest.
In the night,
Wind sighing, rain falling,
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest.
In the \(2nd\) stanza, the poet shifts her focus on the night time of the day.

She begins the stanza by claiming that “beauty is heard in the night” and goes on to explain how and where we could experience it. Therefore, beauty is not simply something that is visible. Beauty can be heard through our ears.

Students, try imagining it is night, and there are no lights. It is completely dark, and you cannot see anything.

So, would you still experience beauty? Yes, says the poet.
Beauty, according to the poet, lies in the sounds the wind makes. She calls it “wind sighing”, comparing the sound of the wind to that of sighing (long and deep exhale). It could also signify the idea that it is night and the wind is tired from working all day.

Beauty also lies in the beautiful music of the “rain falling”. Rain brings music, cool breeze, and the smell of earth to us. Splendid, isn’t it?

Or one might be able to experience beauty during the night time when everything is dark and quiet. And then you hear a soothing, mesmerizing, or an earnest song from somewhere in the distant.

Hence, the poet says that beauty is everywhere and could be heard through the things around us.
Meanings of the difficult words from the stanza:
No. | Words | Meanings |
1 | Wind | Movement of air. |
2 | Sighing | The act of exhaling air loudly; an expression of tiredness, sorrow, or frustration. |
3 | Fall | Act of falling or moving downwards; dropping. |
4 | Chanting | Singing or saying sacred mantras without musical instruments. |
5 | Earnest | Being focused or honest. |
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2006). Honeysuckle. Beauty- E-Yeh-Shure(pp. 54). Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.