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Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams,
In your work,
And even in your rest.
The final stanza is the most important of all because the meaning takes a philosophical turn here. While the focus of the \(1st\) and \(2nd\) stanzas were on the beauty that is seen and heard, this stanza speaks about the beauty that can be seen in a person's heart and personality.
be happy.jpg
She starts the stanza by saying that beauty lies within ourselves. The real beauty lies in our actions. We should have a good heart and be kind to others.

We should also have happy thoughts. As the saying goes, ‘a smile is the most beautiful thing a person can wear’.

We should have good thoughts while we are sleeping and also while we are awake.
“Dreams” in the stanza represents sleep, and “work” represents the state of being awake.
We should also have happy thoughts while we are resting. The word rest could also have another meaning here. It could mean death. So the poet is trying to say that we should have a good heart and do good deeds while we are alive, that the beauty in us will live forever, even after our deaths.
Mother Teresa is still remembered for her good deeds.
Hence, the stanza helps in bringing out the moral of the poem — the real beauty lies in our heart and in our mind, through our actions and through our thoughts. So always be good to the others and be happy.
Meanings of the difficult words from the stanza:
Good deeds
Doing good to the others; kind actions and behaviour.
Joy or cheerful.
ThoughtProcess of thinking; an idea or notion that appears in ones mind.
RepeatTo do something or happen again.
RestRelax or take a break from work; do nothing.
Adjectives are words that describe a noun. For example, in the sentence "she is a beautiful lady", the word lady is a noun, and the word "beautiful" describes the lady. Hence, the word beautiful is an adjective.
Examples from the stanza:
The stanza has two adjectives, namely good and happy.
The word "good" is an adjective. It describes the noun "deed".
The word "happy" is an adjective. It describes the noun "thought".
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2006). Honeysuckle. Beauty- E-Yeh-Shure(pp. 54). Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.