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Douglas James Jardine, born on \(13\) October \(1888\), was a British colonial administrator. He was educated at Westminster School and at Trinity College, Cambridge; he graduated BA Hons. in Classics in 1910. Soon after his graduation, he joined the colonial service and was posted as assistant secretary to the Government of Cyprus from \(1910\)–\(16\).
In \(1916\), he became Secretary to Administration in British Somaliland, a position he held until \(1921\). During this posting, he accompanied the British Mission to the Coronation of Empress Zauditu of Abyssinia in \(1917\) and was awarded the OBE in \(1918\). An OBE award is given to those who have played a significant local role in any activity, including those whose work has made them nationally renowned in their chosen field. The title 'Sir' is bestowed to men who acquire this honour.
In \(1920\), he was appointed as an Officer in Charge of H.Q. (Headquarters) Services, Somaliland Expeditionary Force. In \(1921\), Jardine became Senior Assistant Secretary, Nigerian Secretariat, a post he held until \(1927\). In 1927, he was posted to Tanganyika Territory, beginning an eight-year association with the country. He was Deputy Chief Secretary, Tanganyika in 1927–28; Chief Secretary to Government, Tanganyika, \(1928\)–\(34\); and acting Governor, Tanganyika, in 1929, 1931, 1933 and 1934.
In 1929, 1930 and 1931, Jardine was also the accredited representative of the British Government to the Permanent Mandates Commission at Geneva. He was appointed CMG in 1932. In 1934, he was appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief, North Borneo, which he held until 1937.
Later that year, he was appointed Governor of Sierra Leone (1937–41) and then Governor of the Leeward Islands from 1941–43. He was appointed KCMG (Knight Commander or Dame Commander) in 1938.
Jardine died in December \(1946\).
Notable works:
  • The Handbook of Cyprus \(1913\) and \(1919\).
  • The Mad Mullah of Somaliland \(1923\).
  • Memorandum on indirect rule and the system of administration of the natives of North Borneo \(1935\).
  • If I were you (DRAMA).