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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. "The Last Lesson" Read the lesson "The Last Lesson".
2. Author introduction Learn about the author introduction.
3. Introduction to the lesson Learn the introduction of the lesson.
4. Paragraphs 1-2 Learn the explanation of paragraphs 1-2.
5. Paragraph 3-6 Learn the explanation of paragraphs 3-6.
6. Paragraphs 7-8 Learn the explanation of paragraphs 7-8.
7. Paragraphs 9-12 Learn the explanation of paragraphs 9-12.
8. Paragraphs 13-15 Learn the explanation of paragraphs 13-15.
9. Paragraphs 16-17 Learn the explanation of paragraphs 16-17.
10. Paragraphs 18-23 Learn the explanation of paragraphs 18-23.
11. Explanation of the lesson "The Last Lesson" Learn the explanation of the lesson "The Last Lesson".
12. Summary of the lesson "The Last Lesson" Learn the explanation of the summary.
13. Glossary Learn the meanings of the difficult words from the lesson "The Last Lesson".
14. Synonyms from the lesson "The Last Lesson" Learn the synonyms from the lesson "The Last Lesson".
15. Antonyms from the lesson "The Last Lesson" Learn the antonyms from the lesson "The Last Lesson".
16. Poster making Learn the explanation of poster making.
17. Formal letter writing Learn about the formal letter writing from the lesson "The Last Lesson".
18. Idioms Learn about idioms from the lesson "The Last Lesson".
19. Finite and Non-finite verbs Learn about the introduction of Finite and Non-finite verbs.
20. Rules of Singular and Plural nouns Learn about the rules of singular and plural nouns.
21. Subject-Verb Agreement Learn about the introduction of Subject-Verb Agreement.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Think about it - I Other hard 0 m. This is a two-mark question from the lesson "The Last Lesson". The student has to understand the lesson and answer the following questions. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
2. Think about it - II Other hard 0 m. This is a two-mark question from the lesson "The Last Lesson". The student has to understand the lesson and answer the following questions. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
3. Think about it - III Other hard 0 m. This is an eight-mark question from the lesson "The Last Lesson". The student has to understand the lesson and answer the following questions. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
4. Pick up meanings from given options and place them against their respective idioms Other medium 6 m. This is an exercise on picking out the suitable idioms from the given box. The student must understand the meaning of the given idioms and select the correct answer. Each answer carries one mark.
5. Frame sentences of your own using idioms from the previous exercise Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise on framing sentences in the appropriate form using idioms. The student must use the given idiom and try to frame the sentence. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
6. Given below are some idiomatic phrases. Find the meaning of it using the dictionary Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise of finding the meaning of an idiomatic phrase. The student must use a dictionary to find the meaning of the given idiomatic phrase. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
7. Listening Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise on listening to the given passage. The student must listen to the given audio and write the answers to the following questions. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
8. Answer the questions on road map Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise on a road map. The student must look at the given picture and write the directions using it. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
9. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow - I Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise on reading passages. The student must read the given poetic lines and answer the following questions. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
10. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow - II Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise on reading passages. The student must read the given poetic lines and answer the following questions. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
11. Poster making I Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise on poster making. The student must read the given questions and can make their own poster. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
12. Poster making II Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise on poster making. The student must read the given questions and can make their own poster. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
13. Poster making III Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise on poster making. The student must read the given questions and can make their own poster. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
14. Letter writing I Other medium 0 m. This is a creative exercise on writing a letter. The student must read the given questions and frame the letter based on the given format. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
15. Letter writing II Other medium 0 m. This is a creative exercise on writing a letter. The student must read the given questions and frame the letter based on the given format. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
16. Letter writing III Other medium 0 m. This is a creative exercise on writing a letter. The student must read the given questions and frame the letter based on the given format. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
17. Fill in the blanks appropriately Other medium 5 m. This is an exercise of subject-verb agreement with multiple-choice questions. The student must read the questions and answer the following.Each question carries one mark.
18. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb - I Other medium 5 m. This is an exercise of subject-verb agreement. The student must read the following questions and write a suitable answer. Each question carries one mark.
19. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb - II Other medium 5 m. This is an exercise of subject-verb agreement. The student must read the following questions and write a suitable answer. Each question carries one mark.
20. Change the singular nouns to plurals - I Other medium 5 m. This is an exercise of singular plural. The student must read the following questions and change them into plural form accordingly. Each question carries one mark.
21. Change the singular nouns to plurals - II Other medium 5 m. This is an exercise of singular plural. The student must read the following questions and change them into plural form accordingly. Each question carries one mark.
22. Identify the non-finites in the following sentences and underline them Other medium 5 m. This is an exercise of non-finite verbs. The student must read the following questions and identify the non-finite verb. Each question carries one mark.
23. Replace the underlined words by a participle in the following sentences: Other medium 0 m. This is an exercise of the participle. The student must read the following questions and answer them accordingly. The answer points are disabled for the exercise as it is for self-evaluation.
24. Fill in the blank with the correct alternative Other medium 5 m. This is an exercise of the verb. The student must read the following questions and answer the correct verb form accordingly. Each question carries one mark.
25. Tick the correct sentences Other medium 5 m. This is an exercise of finding the correct sentence. The student must read the following questions and choose the correct option. Each question carries one mark.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. True or False from author introduction Other easy 3 m. Practise exercise from author introduction.
2. Select the correct and incorrect statement from introduction Other easy 2 m. Practise exercise from introduction.
3. Choose the right answer from paragraphs 1-2 Other medium 3 m. Practise exercise from paragraphs 1-2.
4. Fill in the blanks with the correct option from paragraphs 3-6 Other easy 4 m. Practise the exercise from paragraphs 3-6.
5. State whether the following statements are True or False from paragraphs 7-8 Other easy 3 m. Practise exercise from paragraphs 7-8.
6. Choose the right answer from paragraphs 9-12 Other medium 3 m. Practise exercise from paragraphs 9-12.
7. Select the correct and incorrect statement from paragraphs 13-15 Other easy 2 m. Practise exercise from paragraphs 13-15.
8. Pick the relevant statement from paragraphs 16-17 Other medium 2 m. Practise exercise from paragraphs 16-17.
9. True or False from paragraphs 18-23 Other easy 3 m. Practise exercise from paragraphs 18-23.
10. Fill in the blanks in the summary by listening to the audio Other hard 4.2 m. Practise exercise based on summary of the lesson "The Last Lesson".
11. Choose the right meaning from the glossary Other medium 3 m. Practise the exercise from the Glossary.
12. Drag and Drop the meanings of difficult words from the glossary - I Other medium 4 m. Practise the exercise from the Glossary.
13. Drag and Drop the meanings of difficult words from the glossary - II Other easy 4 m. Practise the exercise from Glossary.
14. Drag and Drop the meanings of difficult words from the glossary - III Other medium 4 m. Practise the exercise from the Glossary.
15. Choose the appropriate synonyms from the lesson "The Last Lesson" Other easy 4 m. Practise the exercise from Synonyms.
16. Match the antonyms - I Other easy 4 m. Practise the exercise from Antonyms.
17. Match the antonyms - II Other easy 4 m. Practise the exercise from Antonyms.
18. Choose the right answer from singular-plural nouns - I Other easy 3 m. Practise the exercise from singular-plural nouns.
19. Choose the right answer from singular-plural nouns - II Other easy 3 m. Practise the exercise from singular-plural nouns.
20. Fill in the blanks with the correct option from subject-verb agreement and idioms Other easy 4 m. Practise the exercise from subject-verb agreement and idioms.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Answer in one or two sentences from the lesson "The Last Lesson" Other hard 0 m. Practise exercise based on the the lesson "The Last Lesson".
2. Write the summary Other hard 0 m. Practise exercise from the summary of the lesson "The Last Lesson".
3. Choose the correct glossary Other medium 4 m. Practise the exercise from Glossary.
4. Creative exercise Other medium 0 m. Practise exercise based on "Letter Writing".
5. Creative exercise on Poster making Other hard 0 m. Practise exercise based on Poster making.
6. Creative exercise on road map Other hard 0 m. Practise exercise based on road map.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test I 00:12:00 easy 8 m.
2. Training test II 00:12:00 easy 10 m.
3. Training test III 00:12:00 easy 7 m.
4. Training test IV 00:15:00 easy 11.2 m.
5. Training test V 00:12:00 easy 12 m.
6. Training test VI 00:08:00 easy 7 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:10:00 hard 0 m.
2. Homework II 00:10:00 hard 0 m.
3. Homework III 00:10:00 medium 6 m.
4. Homework IV 00:10:00 hard 0 m.
5. Homework V 00:10:00 medium 0 m.
6. Homework VI 00:25:00 hard 0 m.
7. Homework VII 00:25:00 hard 0 m.
8. Homework VIII 00:15:00 medium 15 m.
9. Homework IX 00:15:00 medium 15 m.
10. Homework X 00:15:00 medium 10 m.
11. Revision test I 00:20:00 hard 20 m.
12. Revision test II 00:15:00 hard 13 m.
13. Revision test III 00:10:00 hard 9 m.
14. Revision test IV 00:10:00 hard 5 m.
15. Revision test V 00:10:00 hard 5 m.