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It’s all very well to have courage and skill
And it’s fine to be counted a star,
But the single deed with its touch of thrill
Doesn’t tell the man you are;
For there’s no lone hand in the game we play,
We must work to a bigger scheme,
And the thing that counts in the world to-day
Is, How do you pull with the team?
They may sound your praise and call you great,
They may single you out for fame,
But you must work with your running mate
Or you’ll never win the game;
Oh, never the work of life is done
By the man with a selfish dream,
For the battle is lost or the battle is won
By the spirit of the team.
You may think it fine to be praised for skill,
But a greater thing to do
Is to set your mind and set your will
On the goal that’s just in view;
It’s helping your fellowman to score
When his chances hopeless seem;
Its forgetting self till the game is o’re
And fighting for the team.
              ---- Edgar Albert Guest
It is good that we all have different talents within us, and we are brave enough also. It is also good that we are considered as a star or a leading performer. All of us want to shine individually.
It's fine to be a talented and courageous individual, but do you have something more?
But there is a bigger challenge - it is something which is thrilling because it does not talk about our individual talents, or what kind of a person we are. In any game, we play, or even in our game of life - there is no single hand. All of us work for some bigger plans, and the thing which matters the most today is the question - how to manage a team?
There is no single hand in the game of life!
A team is always challenging to manage, as there are many types of opinions. One may feel we are great and praise us; while there may be others who think we are doing work to get famous. But we must work with our teammates; otherwise, we cannot win in any game, nor can we be successful in life.
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A team can have many different opinions - but work with them!
Working alone is equal to being selfish. Whether we win or lose, we should stand by our team - the victory lies only in the spirit of the team. The purpose of life is to live together and work together - by standing alone; we cannot achieve anything.
If you work alone, you will never win.
We may think it is good that we are being appreciated for our talents. But we have a greater job to do - make up your mind and prepare yourself for a more important ambition. That ambition is helping your teammates to perform and shine. Help your teammate, especially when he has difficulties. Help him when things go wrong for him, give him hope when he is feeling helpless.
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It’s helping your fellow man to score when his chances hopeless seem!
"O're" in the last 2 lines means a poetical contraction for the word over. It has been done to add rhyme to the verses. Forget yourself until the game is over - think of yourself only as a part of the team. Fight not for yourself, but for your team. We should forget about ourselves till the game is over and fight only for the team. We should not think about ourselves, we should think about the team as a whole.
Fight as a team, win as a team!
State Council of Educational Research and Training (2019). Term-2 English Standard-6. Teamwork - Edgar A Guest (pp. 98-100). Published by the Tamil Nadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation.