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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Passive forms General information about the Passive Voice and the forms of the verbs.
2. Types of sentences Types of sentences related to the topic 'Passive Voice'.
3. Turning Active into Passive Rules connected with turning the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Passive forms 1st type - receptive easy 1 m. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Passive Voice'.
2. The correct order in the passive sentences 1st type - receptive easy 1 m. Grammar practice in the passive sentences. The correct forms and order related to the topic 'Passive Voice'.
3. The correct form of the verbs 1st type - receptive easy 1 m. Grammar practice in the forms of the verbs related to the topic 'Passive Voice'.
4. Reading. A skillful piece of work 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Practice in reading and understanding the passive structures.
5. Reading. How towns have arisen 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Practice in reading with the passive structures and writing.
6. Reading. Trafalgar Square 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Practice in reading with the passive forms and writing.
7. Writing questions in the Passive Voice 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. Practice in grammar and writing. General questions in the Passive Voice.
8. Grammar. Turning the Active Voice into the Passive 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. Grammar related to the topic 'The Passive Voice'. Practice in writing the passive structures.
9. Grammar. The Active Voice into the Passive 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. Grammar related to the topic ' The Passive Voice'.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test. The Passive Voice 00:15:00 medium 10 m. Practice in grammar related to the passive structures.
2. Training test. Reading and the passive structures 00:20:00 medium 8.5 m. Practice in reading and grammar related to the passive structures.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework. The Passive and Active Voice 00:25:00 medium 9.5 m. Practice in reading and turning the active structures into the passive ones.
2. Homework. Reading and grammar 00:25:00 medium 14.5 m. Practice in reading and grammar related to the topic 'The Passive Voice'.
3. Progress test. Reading and writing 00:30:00 hard 16.5 m. Practice in writing. reading and turning the active forms into the passive ones.
4. Progress test. Writing with the passive structures 00:25:00 hard 14 m. Practice in writing with the passive structures.