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To speak about country life, you. Part 3

Farmer - someone who owns or takes care of a farm;
Barn - a large building on a farm in which animals or hay (= dried grass) and grain are kept;
Cottage - a small house, usually in the countryside;
Farmhouse - the main house on a farm where the farmer lives;
Stable - a building in which horses are kept;
Cowshed - a building where cows are kept while they are milked (= have milk taken from them) or where they are kept during winter or bad weather;
Coop - a cage (= a small space surrounded by bars, wire, etc.) where small animals are kept, especially chickens;
Dairy farm - a farm that only produces milk and products made from milk;
Kitchen garden - an area, especially a part of a large garden, where fruit, vegetables, and herbs are grown;
Orchard - an area of land where fruit trees (but not orange trees or other citrus trees) are grown;
Shed - a small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things;
Pigsty - an enclosed area where pigs are kept;
Stall - a small closed area within a farm building in which there is space for one animal to be kept.
We need to clean the pigsty.
Where is the dairy farm?
John is a great farmer. He has everything in his cottage.