PDF chapter test TRY NOW
Methodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
1. | Introduction to conversion of solid from one shape to another | Get introduced to the topic conversion of solid from one shape to another. |
2. | Problems based on conversion of solid from one shape to another | Let us see some problems based on conversion of solid from one shape to another. |
Textbook Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Multiple choice question I | Other | easy | 1 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
2. | Multiple choice question II | Other | easy | 1 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
3. | Two marks example problem I | Other | medium | 2 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
4. | Two marks exercise problem | Other | medium | 2 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
5. | Five marks example problem I | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
6. | Five marks exercise problem I | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
7. | Five marks exercise problem II | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
8. | Five marks exercise problem III | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
9. | Five marks exercise problem IV | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
10. | Five marks exercise problems V | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
11. | Five marks exercise problem VI | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
12. | Five marks exercise problem VII | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
13. | Five marks exercise problem VIII | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
14. | Five marks exercise problem IX | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
15. | Five marks exercise problem X | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Find the edge of the cube | Other | easy | 2 m. | To find the edge of the cube made from a cuboidal block. |
2. | Find the radius of the cylinder | Other | easy | 2 m. | To find the radius of the cylinder rolled out from a rectangle. |
3. | Find the number of cubes | Other | easy | 2 m. | To find the number of cubes cut out from a wooden block. |
4. | Find the number of cubes joined | Other | easy | 2 m. | To find the numbers of cubes from the volume of cuboid using the given data. |
5. | Find the radius of the solids | Other | medium | 2 m. | To find he radius of the solids from the given data. |
6. | Find the height of the container | Other | medium | 3 m. | To find the height of the container from the given data of solids. |
7. | Find the height of the cylinder | Other | medium | 3 m. | To find the height of the cylinder which is moulded to a sphere. |
8. | Find the height of the cone | Other | medium | 2 m. | To find the height of the sphere recasted from a cone. |
9. | Find the radius of the stand | Other | medium | 3 m. | To find the radius of the conical stand from the cubical candle. |
10. | Find the number of cones | Other | medium | 3 m. | To find the number of cones made from a sphere of given dimension. |
11. | Find the number of spheres | Other | medium | 3 m. | To find the number of spheres from the given data. |
12. | Find the length of the cuboid | Other | hard | 4 m. | To find the length of the cuboid from the given data. |
13. | Find the volume of the cone | Other | hard | 4 m. | To find the volume of the cone carved from a cube. |
14. | Find the number of lead shots | Other | hard | 4 m. | To find the number lead shots made from the cubical lead. |
15. | Find the volume of lumber wasted | Other | hard | 4 m. | To find the volume of lumber wasted from the given data of solids. |
16. | Answer the following | Other | hard | 5 m. | To answer the given questions based on the data provided. |
17. | Find the volume of the cone formed | Other | hard | 4 m. | To find the volume of the cone formed from the metallic sheet. |
Key Questions for School Exam Preparation
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Find the number of cones needed to empty the container | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the question using surface area and volume of solids. |
2. | Find the height of water in the cylindrical flask | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
3. | Find the volume of the water left in the sump | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
4. | Find the number of coins | Other | hard | 5 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Find the diameter of the sphere | Other | easy | 3 m. | To find the diameter of the sphere whinch is cut into smaller cones of given dimension. |
2. | Find the number of coins | Other | medium | 3 m. | To find the number of coins made from a given solid. |
3. | Find the number of cans required | Other | medium | 3 m. | To find the number of cans required to empty the water tank. |
4. | Find the volume of the sphere | Other | hard | 4 m. | To find the volume of the sphere carved from a cube. |
5. | Height of the cylinder | Other | medium | 1 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
6. | The height of the cone | Other | easy | 1 m. | Try to answer the questions using surface area and volume of solids. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Homework I | 00:25:00 | medium | 6 m. | |
2. | Homework II | 00:25:00 | medium | 10 m. | |
3. | Homework III | 00:25:00 | medium | 10 m. | |
4. | Homework IV | 00:25:00 | medium | 10 m. | |
5. | Homework V | 00:25:00 | medium | 10 m. | |
6. | Homework VI | 00:25:00 | medium | 15 m. | |
7. | Revision test I | 00:25:00 | medium | 6 m. | |
8. | Revision test II | 00:25:00 | medium | 7 m. | |
9. | Revision test III | 00:25:00 | medium | 8 m. | |
10. | Revision test IV | 00:25:00 | medium | 14 m. | |
11. | Revision test V | 00:25:00 | medium | 17 m. | |
12. | Revision test VI | 00:25:00 | medium | 20 m. | |
13. | Revision test VII | 00:25:00 | medium | 13 m. | |
14. | Periodic Assessment | 00:15:00 | medium | 2 m. | PAT 2 |
15. | Periodic Assessment - Extended version | 00:10:00 | medium | 2 m. | PA 2 |