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Types of angles of rotation:
1. Full rotation: A \(360°\) rotation
2. Half rotation: A \(180°\) rotation
3. Quarter rotation: A \(90°\) rotation
Look at the following figure.
1 Ресурс 1 (1).svg
How will the object look after a \(90\)\(°\) rotation?
The object takes a quarter rotation and the rotated figure looks like the following.
1(1) Ресурс 1.svg
How will the object look after a \(180\)\(°\) rotation?
The object takes a half rotation and the rotated figure looks like the following.
9 Ресурс 1.png
How will the object look like after a \(360\)\(°\) rotation?
The object takes a full rotation and the rotated figure looks exactly like the origin.
The rotated figure will look like this.
4 Ресурс 1.png