PDF chapter test TRY NOW

Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction to shopping To learn how to compare the alternatives before shopping.
2. Fractional method of packing To learn how to pack or arrange items in a given sapce using fractional method to find the optimal solution.
3. First-fit method of packing To learn how to fit or arrange items efficiently in a given sapce using first-fit method of sorting.
4. First-fit decreasing method of packing To learn how to fit or arrange items efficiently in a given sapce using first-fit decreasing method to find the optimal solution.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Multiple choice question Other easy 3 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about shopping comparison.
2. Two marks exercise problems I Other medium 4 m. Determine the best buy for the given situations in shopping.
3. Five marks exercise problems II Other hard 5 m. This exercise is to test your shopping comparison knowledge.
4. Five marks exercise problems III Other hard 5 m. This exercise is to test your knowledge about shopping comparison.
5. Five marks exercise problems IV Other hard 0 m. This exercise is to test your knowledge about shopping comparison.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find the best buy! Other easy 2 m. To find the best buy from the given offers based on the product price.
2. Find the better shop Other easy 2 m. To find the better shop for purchase based on the discount.
3. Find the special price Other medium 3 m. To calculate the special price of customized objects.
4. Be smart and save smart Other medium 3 m. To compare the product and to calculate the savings.
5. Find the number of crates Other hard 4 m. To fill the crates with the items using first-fit method.
6. Fill the trucks Other hard 4 m. To fill the trucks with items using first-fit decreasing method.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Select the best buy in the given situations Other medium 4 m. Determine the best buy for the given situations in shopping.
2. Prepare a price list Other hard 5 m. This exercise is to test your knowledge about shopping comparison.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Grab the offer! Other easy 1 m. To find the savings on grabbing an deal offered.
2. Find the savings Other medium 3 m. To calculate the savings of the customised objects.
3. Fill the boxes Other hard 4.5 m. To fill up the boxes with books using the first-fit decreasing method.
4. Psychological effect of shopping Other easy 1 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about shopping comparison.
5. Find the savings on grabbing an deal offered Other easy 1 m. To find the savings on grabbing an deal offered.
6. Best shopping strategy Other easy 1 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about shopping comparison.
7. Find the better shop Other easy 1 m. To find the better shop for purchase based on the discount.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:20:00 medium 11 m.
2. Homework II 00:20:00 medium 12 m.
3. Homework III 00:20:00 hard 6 m.
4. Revision test I 00:20:00 medium 9 m.
5. Revision test II 00:20:00 medium 14.5 m.
6. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 8 m.
7. Periodic Assessment - 3 00:10:00 medium 8 m. PA3