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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction to set operations I Learn different types of set operation (Universal, union and intersection).
2. Introduction to set operations II Learn different types of set operation (Difference set, symmetric difference and complement).
3. Introduction to set operations III Learn different types of set operation (Disjoint and overlapping set).
4. Mind map Mind map of a representation of sets.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Multiple choice question I Other easy 4 m. Try to find the answers using set operations.
2. Multiple choice question II Other easy 3 m. Try to find the answers using set operations.
3. Two marks example problems I Other medium 8 m. Try to answer the questions using set operations.
4. Two marks example problems II Other medium 6 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in types of sets.
5. Two marks example problems III Other medium 2 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in types of sets.
6. Two marks example problems IV Other medium 0 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in set operations.
7. Two marks exercise problems I Other medium 3 m. Work on the problem to find the answers using Venn diagram.
8. Two marks exercise problems II Other medium 4 m. Work on the problem to find the answers using Venn diagram.
9. Two marks exercise problems III Other medium 4 m. Work on the problem to find the answers using Venn diagram.
10. Five marks exercise problems IV Other hard 10 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in set operations.
11. Five marks exercise problems V Other hard 10 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in set operations.
12. Five marks exercise problems VI Other hard 5 m. Work on the problem to find the answers using set operations.
13. Five marks exercise problems VII Other hard 5 m. Work on the problem to find the answers using set operations.
14. Five marks exercise problems VIII Other hard 5 m. Work on the problem to find the answers using set operations.
15. Five marks exercise problems X Other hard 0 m. Try to answer the questions using set operations.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find if the given set is a universal set Other easy 1 m. Practice the set operation on universal set.
2. Find the union set Other easy 6 m. Practice the set operation of union.
3. Find the intersection of a set Other easy 2 m. Practice the set operation of intersection.
4. Evaluate the difference of two sets Other easy 1 m. Practice the difference between the two sets.
5. Determine the symmetric difference between the sets Other easy 5 m. Practice the symmetric difference between the sets.
6. Determine the set of A' Other easy 1 m. Practice the complement of A using the set operation.
7. Choose the correct set operation for the given venn diagram Other medium 1 m. Practice the different types of set operation.
8. Determine the union pair of given sets Other medium 8 m. Practice the union set operation.
9. Evaluate the intersection pair of given sets Other medium 3 m. Practice the set operation of intersection.
10. Evaluate the difference between two sets Other medium 2 m. Practice the difference between the two sets.
11. Find the symmetric difference between the given sets Other medium 3 m. Practice the symmetric difference between the sets.
12. Determine the complement of given set of alphabets Other medium 1 m. Practice the given set using the complement of set operation.
13. Find the set operation for union and intersection Other hard 1 m. Practice the both set operation of union and intersection.
14. Determine the complement of union and intersection Other hard 1 m. Practice the set operation on complement of union and intersection.
15. Evaluate the symmetric difference between the given sets. Other hard 3 m. Practice the symmetric difference between the sets
16. Find the given set is disjoint or overlap set Other hard 1 m. Practice the set operation of disjoint and overlap set.
17. Choose the correct element for two sets using venn diagram Other hard 1 m. Practice the different types of set operation with the alphabetic elements using venn diagram.
18. Choose the correct element for the given venn diagram Other hard 1 m. Practice the different types of set operation with the alphabetic elements using venn diagram.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Look at the picture and answer the questions Other medium 5 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in set operations.
2. Find the following sets Other hard 10 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in set operations.
3. Determine the symmetric difference of two sets Other hard 5 m. Work on the problem to find the answers using set operations.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Choose the correct shade the region representing the sets Other easy 1 m. Practice the different types of set operation.
2. Find if the given set is a universal or no Other medium 1 m. Practice the set operation on universal set.
3. Determine the student in school sports team of class IX Other medium 1 m. Practice the union of a set operation.
4. Determine the common students in both the hockey and foot ball team Other medium 1 m. Practice the intersection of a set operation.
5. Determine the difference between the two sets Other medium 1 m. Practice the difference of set operation.
6. Determine the complement set Other medium 1 m. Practice the given set using the complement of set operation.
7. Draw a Venn diagram and do the set operation in it Other hard 1 m. Practice all the set operation using venn diagram chart.
8. Venn diagram Other medium 2 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in types of sets.
9. Roster form Other medium 2 m. In this exercise, answer the questions using the given sets.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:20:00 medium 20 m.
2. Homework II 00:20:00 medium 16 m.
3. Homework III 00:20:00 medium 11 m.
4. Homework IV 00:20:00 hard 3 m.
5. Homework V 00:20:00 hard 11 m.
6. Homework VI 00:20:00 hard 7 m.
7. Revision test I 00:20:00 medium 2 m.
8. Revision test II 00:20:00 medium 9 m.
9. Revision test III 00:20:00 medium 11 m.
10. Revision test IV 00:20:00 hard 11 m.
11. Revision test V 00:20:00 hard 27 m.
12. Revision test VI 00:20:00 hard 18 m.
13. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 4 m.