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1. Renewable resources can be renewed at the same time that they are exploited (forests, crops, wildlife, groundwater, wind and solar energy). They can be maintained through natural recycling or replenished through proper management.
On the other hand, non-renewable resources are not limited and cannot be recycled. They can be depleted if used indefinitely (mineral ores, coal, petroleum etc.). They are difficult to replace, resulting in non-renewable resources running out after a specific amount of time. Thus, natural resources need to be used carefully.
2. Since natural resources are not unlimited, and with the increasing human population, the demand for resources increases exponentially.

Increase in population in the world
Expanding human population resulted in expanding needs of man. With scientific and technological advancement, humans started utilizing natural resources on a much larger scale. Changing lifestyles and technological advancements force industries to exploit natural resources to meet demand.

3. The proper natural resource management considers a long-term perspective and prevents the exploitation of natural resources for short term advantage.
4. The effective management of natural resources should ensure an equitable distribution of these resources, allowing all people, and not just rich and powerful people, to benefit from the development of natural resources.
5. Another factor considered when exploiting natural resources is the damage we cause to the environment while resources are used. 
For example, mining causes pollution due to the large amount of waste that is discarded for metal extraction. Hence, sustainable resource management is needed. The present-day is aimed for sustainable development and conservation of natural resources.

Mining causes land pollution
Thus, the management of resources must be an inherent component of our society to maintain a sustainable, equitable allocation of resources and reduce environmental damage.
Continuous increase in population caused an increased demand for resources. Therefore, the conservation of natural resources makes important contributions to the social and economic development of the country.