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Natural resource management is a long-term perspective as resources need to last for future generations.  Our responsibility to reduce and restrain the activities that affect natural resources. So, conservation and judicious use of natural resources is necessary.
Conservation and judicious use of resources
Water, air, plants, and other renewable resources are thought to be plenty, and one might even believe that they will not vanish. However, they will very certainly become scarce, even if they do not vanish. The rate at which the resources renew themselves is substantially slower than the rate at which they are demanded.
For example, we may believe that there is enough water and that we will never run out. However, the truth is that just \(3 \%\) of fresh water on Earth is suitable for human use, while the remaining \(97 \%\) is saline water. Water scarcity will occur in shortly if water is not properly utilised.
Natural resources are conserved due to their biological, economic, and recreational significance. The unplanned and excessive use of natural resources causes environmental imbalance. The exploitation of resources and their replenishment should be kept carefully.
Proper utilisation and management of nature and its resources are termed conservation.
We must create a sustainable world that should last forever. It is critical that we carefully manage and utilise our resources to preserve them for future generations. Conservation of natural resources is done in \(two\) ways:
1. In-situ Conservation - Conservation of natural resources in their natural habitats.
National parks, Wildlife sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves etc.
Manas national park
2. Ex-situ Conservation - Conservation of natural resources outside their natural habitat.
Botanical gardens, zoos, gardens, seed banks, tissue culture etc.
Botanical garden