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Methodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
1. | Introduction to food materials and their source | Introductory theory that explains about the food, ingredients, food materials and its source like plant and animals. |
2. | Different plant parts as sources of food | A theory that explains the parts of the plants that are edible. Also explains the types of vegetable from the source where it is obtained. |
3. | Other plant parts used as food | Theory about the food which are obtained from plants. |
4. | Food obtained from animals | Theory that explain the various sources of animals and the examples of animal products. |
5. | Classification of animals based on their diet | Theory on the classification of animals based on their diet and nutrition. |
6. | Preparation of sprouts and salad from pulses | A theory that explains the procedure of making sprouts and vegetable salads made of sprouts. A summary of the lesson is also given. |
7. | Mind map and summary of food: where does it come from? | A conceptual map which helps in recalling all the concepts learnt in the topic food: where does it come from? |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Various plant parts that are used as food | Other | easy | 3 m. | Exercise on parts of plants that used as food. |
2. | Food and the different parts of plant that are used as food | Other | easy | 2 m. | A fill in the blank exercise to learn the concepts of food, the various sources of food, and the different parts of plants that are consumed as food. |
3. | Herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous animals | Other | easy | 2 m. | A drag and drop exercise based on the classification of animals based on their food habits and also to differentiate the plant and animal food sources. |
4. | Sources of food and animal classification based on their diet | Other | medium | 4 m. | Exercise on classification of animals based on their food preferences. |
5. | NCERT questions | Other | medium | 5 m. | A multiple choice question exercise that contains questions and solutions from the ncert books. |
6. | Sprouting and sources of food from plants | Other | hard | 7 m. | To test the knowledge of students based on the plant parts used as food and the procedure that involves the preparation of sprouts. |
7. | Animal products, classification of animals and sources of food | Other | hard | 6 m. | To test the knowledge of students on the concepts of different plants parts as food and various animal products consumed as food. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Activity - edible pats of a plant | Other | medium | 0 m. | An activity to draw the edible parts present in a plant. |
2. | Different sources of food, edible parts of plant and animal products | Other | medium | 5 m. | An exercise on answer the following questions in detail based on the concepts of food, the sources of food - animal and plant sources, and the various plant and animals products used. |
3. | Activity - categorization of animals | Other | hard | 10 m. | An activity to categorize the animals based on their food habits. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Homework I | 00:20:00 | medium | 15 m. | A homework to train the edible parts of the flower, the sources of food - plants and animals, and the classification of animals based on their food habits. |
2. | Homework II | 00:15:00 | medium | 10 m. | A homework test to categorize the animals based on their feeding habits. |
3. | Revision test I | 00:20:00 | medium | 17 m. | A progress test on NCERT based questions, the various sources of food, animal products and the process of sprouting. |
4. | Revision test II | 00:15:00 | medium | 9 m. | To train the students on what is food, the sources of food, and the various plant parts used as food. |
5. | Periodic Assessment | 00:10:00 | medium | 8 m. |