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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction to objects around us Introduction to the objects we use every day and why we need to know their properties before using them.
2. Materials and objects Learn about the grouping of objects and the materials that they are made of.
3. Appearance Every object has its own set of characteristics and properties. Let us just find out more about it.
4. Hardness A material's hardness shows how solid it is in contrast to other materials. Let us just find out more about it.
5. Soluble or Insoluble? Learn about the solubility of materials in water.
6. Objects may float or sink in water As we see in our everyday lives, some objects float and some objects sink in water. Let us discuss the reason for this.
7. Transparency Learn about transparent, translucent and opaque materials

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Objects and materials they are made of: match the correct one 1st type - receptive easy 5 m. Study with matching the right object to the material they are made of.
2. Properties: transparency 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Grouping the materials into three categories: transparent, opaque and translucent.
3. Properties of materials: Floating on water 2nd type - interpretation easy 4 m. Determine if the given objects float in water by recalling the properties of the materials they are made of.
4. Grouping of objects 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. Sort the given objects into groups based on the material they are made of or their properties.
5. Appearance and transparency: jumbled letters 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Learn the correct spelling of the words from the properties of materials.
6. Appearance of the materials 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Practise the questions related to the clothing pattern which is related to the seasons.
7. Solubility: solid, liquid, gas 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Recall the given substances whether dissolve in water.
8. Answer the questions about the properties of materials 2nd type - interpretation hard 4 m. Practice the questions that deal with the properties of materials.
9. Objects and materials 3rd type - analysis hard 2 m. Recall the materials used to make the objects.
10. Objects and their material: properties 3rd type - analysis hard 4 m. Recall the properties of materials.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Categorising objects Other easy 3 m. Objects are categorised according to their material. Let's practice.
2. Sorting of materials into groups: answer the questions Other medium 6 m. Think answer the questions with reason.
3. Objects in our surroundings Other medium 6 m. Mention the separation process in our daily life which we do.
4. Materials and objects Other easy 1 m. Study with matching the right object to the material they are made of.
5. Appearance of the materials Other medium 1 m. practice the questions related to the appearance of the materials.
6. Non-lustrous appearance Other medium 1 m. practice the questions related to the appearance of the materials.
7. Hardness of the materials Other hard 2 m. Practice the questions that deal with the properties of materials.
8. Softness of the materials Other hard 2 m. Practice the questions that deal with the properties of materials.
9. Solubility of the materials Other medium 1 m. practice the questions related to the solubility of the materials.
10. Transparent materials Other medium 1 m. practice the questions related to the transparency of the materials.
11. Translucent materials Other medium 1 m. practice the questions related to the transparency of the materials.
12. Opaque materials Other medium 1 m. practice the questions related to the transparency of the materials.
13. Floating property of the materials Other medium 1 m. practice the questions related to the floating property of the materials


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training Test 00:15:00 medium 12 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 00:20:00 medium 11 m.
2. Progress Test 1 00:20:00 medium 6 m.
3. Progress Test 2 00:20:00 medium 12 m.
4. Periodic Assessment 00:15:00 medium 20 m. PA1