PDF chapter test TRY NOW
Methodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
1. | Weather and its elements | Weather, Humidity and elements of weather are explained. |
2. | Climate | Climate, factors affecting climate, and the climates observed in India are explained. |
3. | Climate and Adaptation | Adaptations and adaptations that are present in the polar bears are explained. |
4. | Adaptations in Penguin and Migration in birds | Adaptations present in penguin and migration of birds are discussed briefly. |
5. | Tropical rainforest | Tropical rain forests and the features of it are discussed briefly. |
6. | Adaptations in tropical rainforest animals | Adaptations of various animals that inhabit the tropical forest are discussed briefly. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Weather and climate | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | To test the knowledge of weather and climate. |
2. | Weather and elements of weather | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | To test the concepts of the weather, climate, and the elements of weather. |
3. | Examples of animals present in polar regions | 2nd type - interpretation | easy | 3 m. | To test the knowledge of animals present in the polar regions. |
4. | Weather and adaptations present in organisms | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | To test the knowledge on the weather, humidity, rainfall, and the adaptations present due to weather in organisms. |
5. | Adaptations that are present in polar and tropical regions | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | To learn the concept of adaptations present in organisms in the polar regions and the tropical rainforest regions. |
6. | Examples of animals present in the polar and the tropical regions | 1st type - receptive | easy | 2 m. | To test the concepts of the organisms present in the polar region and in the tropical rainforest region. |
7. | Adaptations found due to climate variations | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 5 m. | To familiarize the topic of adaptation in tropical as well as polar regions. |
8. | Weather, elements of weather, and humidity | 1st type - receptive | medium | 5 m. | To understand the concepts of weather, elements and factors of weather. |
9. | Polar and tropical rainforest region characteristics | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | To test the knowledge of the characteristics present in the polar and the tropical rainforest regions. |
10. | Adaptations present in polar bear and penguin | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | The learn the concept of adaptations present in the polar regions - the polar bears and penguins. |
11. | Weather, polar regions, and the tropical rainforests | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 5 m. | To understand the concept of weather, the elements of weather, climate, adaptations present in the polar and tropical rainforest regions. |
12. | Weather and adaptations present in the polar and tropical regions | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 5 m. | To test the concepts of weather, climate, elements of weather, and the adaptations present in the polar and the tropical rainforest regions. |
13. | Mixed questions on weather, climate, and the adaptations present due to climate | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 6 m. | To familiarize the concepts of weather, climate, adaptations present in the polar and the tropical regions. |
14. | Questions on climate and its adaptation | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 6 m. | To learn about the concepts of the adaptations present in the polar and the tropical rainforest region. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Adaptations present in organisms according to the climate | Other | hard | 6 m. | To answer in detail the concepts of adaptations, climate, and adaptations present in living organisms to overcome the climate and temperature in the polar and tropical rainforest regions. |
2. | Activity - to make a weather table | Other | hard | 10 m. | Creative exercise that records the weather chart for a week, and to identify the minimum and maximum temperature present in a day. |
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Training test 1 | 00:15:00 | easy | 9 m. | To test the knowledge of students in the concept of adaptations, the organisms present in the polar, tropical regions, and the various adaptations present in the organisms. |
2. | Training test 2 | 00:15:00 | medium | 10 m. | To learn and test the concepts of weather, climate, adaptations present in the polar and tropical regions. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Homework test 1 | 00:20:00 | medium | 14 m. | To test the knowledge in weather, elements of weather, climate, and the adaptations present due to the climate. |
2. | Homework test 2 | 00:20:00 | medium | 10 m. | To understand the concept of finding the maximum and minimum temperature in a day, and to create a weather chart having a week's weather report. |
3. | Progress test 1 | 00:20:00 | hard | 15 m. | To understand and test the concept of weather, elements of weather, and adaptations due to climate. |
4. | Progress test 2 | 00:20:00 | hard | 16 m. | To test the knowledge of the concepts weather, climate, elements of weather, adaptations present in the organisms due to climate. |