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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Sound Theory about sound with examples.
2. Medium and propogation of sound Describes about medium and propogation of sound.
3. Human ear Structure of human ear and how we hear sound.
4. Amplitude,Time period,Frequency This theory contains information about amplitide, time period and frequency.
5. Properties of sound This theory describes about characteristics of a sound such as loudness, pitch and quality.
6. Range of sound This theory contains information about audible, inaudible sound and also infrasound, ultrasound.
7. Noise pollution This theory explains the difference between music and noise.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Important terms in sound 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. To familarize the terms of sound.
2. Propogation of sound 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Questions based on propogation of sound.
3. Amplitude and frequency 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Contains excercise about Amplitude and frequency.
4. Characteristics of sound 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Learn and analyze the characteristics of sound.
5. Speed of sound in air 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Solve the numerical based on the distance formula.
6. Formula and unit 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. This exercise is based on the analogy.
7. Vibrating part of musical instruments 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Vibrating part of a musical instrument.
8. Numerical based on frequency 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Contains numerical based on frequency.
9. Numerical based on time period 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Contains numericals based on time period.
10. Musical instruments 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Contains exercise about Musical instruments and their vibrating parts.
11. Numericals based on Time period and frequency 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Contains numericals based on Time period and frequency.
12. Relation between the number of waves and wavelength 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Solve the numerical based on the wavelength and the number of waves.
13. Wavelength of a sound wave 3rd type - analysis hard 4 m. Solve the numerical based on the wavelength.
14. Sound characteristics - Assertion and reasoning 3rd type - analysis hard 4 m. Contains exercise about assertion and reasoning type excercise.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Important terms of sound - Puzzle words Other medium 10 m. To find the important words in sound.
2. Larynx and its function Other medium 6 m. Learn and analyze with the help of a diagram.
3. Musical instruments and their vibrating part Other hard 10 m. This relates the concept with real life.
4. Nature and speed of sound Other hard 5 m. To learn and evaluate the theory based on sound
5. Experiment on vibration Other hard 10 m. Experiment that relates the working of eardrum.
6. Toy telephone Other hard 10 m. Experiment to verify sound travel in solids.
7. Propagation of sound Other easy 2 m. This exercise consists of two textbook questions; each question holds two marks. The student has to choose the best answer, and the questions deal with the sound and its properties. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts.
8. Amplitude and frequency Other easy 1 m. Contains excercise about Amplitude and frequency.
9. Numerical based on frequency Other medium 1 m. Contains numerical based on frequency.
10. Relation between the number of waves and wavelength Other medium 1 m. Solve the numerical based on the wavelength and the number of waves.
11. Maximum frequency of sound Other easy 1 m. Contains excercise about Amplitude and frequency.
12. Numericals based on Time period and frequency Other medium 1 m. Contains numericals based on Time period and frequency.
13. Speed of sound in air Other easy 1 m. Solve the numerical based on the distance formula.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test 1 15:00:00 easy 8 m.
2. Training test 2 15:00:00 easy 7 m.
3. Training test 3 15:00:00 easy 11 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 1 20:00:00 medium 26 m.
2. Homework 2 20:00:00 medium 18 m.
3. Homework 3 20:00:00 hard 10 m.
4. Progress test 1 20:00:00 hard 13 m.
5. Progress test 2 20:00:00 hard 13 m.
6. Periodic Assessment - Demo 00:15:00 medium 14 m. Demo PA 3