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Prokaryotic cell
Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus surrounded by a complex nuclear membrane, where single, circular chromosome situated in a nucleoid. (Pro: primitive; Karyon: nucleus).
Prokaryotic cell - Bacteria
Eukaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cells have a nuclear membrane that surrounds the nucleus where the well defined rod-shaped chromosome are present. (Eu: True or well; Karyon: nucleus). Eukaryotic cells are further classified into plant cell and animal cell.
Eukaryotic cell - Animal cell
Comparison between prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell
Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cell
Size of a prokaryotic cell ranges from
\(0.1 µm\) to \(5 µm\).
Size of a eukaryotic cell ranges from
\(5 µm\) to \(100 µm\).
Membrane-bound nucleus absent.
Membrane-bound nucleus present.
It is unicellular.
It is multicellular.
Lysosomes and Peroxisomes are absent.
Lysosomes and Peroxisomes are present.
Microtubule absent.
Microtubule present.
Endoplasmic reticulum absent.
Endoplasmic reticulum present.
Mitochondria absent.
Mitochondria present.
\(70S\) Ribosomes are present.
\(80S\) Ribosomes are present.
Golgi apparatus absent.
Golgi apparatus present.
Vacuoles absent.
Vacuoles present.
Chloroplast absent.
Chloroplast present in plants.
A single chromosome is present.
More than one chromosome is present.
Example: Bacteria, Archaea.
Examples: Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protists.