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 Four men lift a \(250\ kg\) box to a height of \(1\ m\) and hold it without raising or lowering it.

(a) How much work is done by the men in lifting the box?

(b) How much work do they do in just holding it?

(c) Why do they get tired while holding it? (\(g\ =\ 10\ m s^{-2}\))
Force is calculated by:
The formula to calculate the Work done(\(W\)) is,
(aWork done by the men in lifting the box \(=\)  \(J\)
(b) Work done by the men when they holding the box \(=\)  \(J\)
(c) In order to hold the box at a particular height, men are applying a force which is  to the gravitational force acting on the box. While applying the force,  is involved. So, they feel tired while holding box.