எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்
Book Free DemoMethodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
1. | Introduction | An introductory theory that introduces what is reproduction and the types of reproduction. |
2. | Stages of sexual reproduction | A theory that explains the different stages of sexual reproduction - the pre-fertilization, fertilization and post fertilization. |
3. | Human reproductive system - Male reproductive system | A theory that explains about the reproductive system, the reproductive tract of male, the accesory glands and the cells present in the testes. |
4. | Female reproductive system | A discussion on the female reproductive system, the anatomy of ovaries and the functions of the female reproductive tract. |
5. | Female accessory organs and glands | A discussion on the different accessory reproductive organs and accessory glands that are involved in a women's reproduction. |
6. | Gametogenesis - Spermatogenesis | A theory that discusses on the topic gametogenesis, mainly the structure of sperms and the process of spermatogenesis. |
7. | Oogenesis | A discussion on oogenesis, the structure of ovum and what is meant by puberty. |
8. | Menstrual cycle | A theory that explains about what is menstruation, what is menstrual cycle and the phases of menstruation. |
9. | Menstrual cycle phases | A theory that explains the various phases of the menstrual cycle in detail, the role of the hormones in the cycle, and the cyclical changes that occur in ovary and the uterus. |
10. | Fertilization | A theory that explains the process of fertilization, what is meant by acrosomal reaction and capacitation of the sperms. |
11. | Post fertilization - embryogenesis - cleavage and implantation | A discussion on the post fertilization events particularly the process of cleavage and the implantation of blastula in the uterus. |
12. | Gastrulation and formation of the placenta | A discussion that elaborates and explains about the process of gastrulation, the formation of the placenta and the functions of the placenta. |
13. | Parturition and lactation | A discussion on partiurition, pregnancy or gestation, lactation and the formation of twins - fraternal and identical twins. |
14. | Reproductive Health | A discussion on what is reproductive health, the problems faced in reproductive health and the strategies involved in the improvement of reproductive health. |
15. | Population explosion and family planning | A theory on what is population explosion, family planning, the importance of birth control and the natural methods of contraception. |
16. | Artificial methods of contraception | A theory that emphasizes the importance of contraception and the barrier methods - diaphragm and cervical cap. |
17. | Hormonal method, IUDs and surgical methods of contraception | A discussion on some of the methods of contraceptives - hormonal method, intra-uterine devices and surgical method or sterilization method. |
18. | Urinary Tract Infections | A discussion that explains the different types of urinary tract infections. |
19. | Personal hygiene | A theory on personal hygiene, the types of personal hygiene - body hygiene, toilet hygiene, menstrual and napkin hygiene. |
20. | Mindmap | Conceptual map that recalls and summarizes the subtopic reproduction in animals. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Types of reproduction and stages of sexual reproduction | 1st type - receptive | easy | 2 m. | A fill in the blank exercise based on the concepts - reproduction, types - sexual and asexual, the characteristics of sexual and asexual reporoduction, and the different stages of reproduction. |
2. | Male secondary sex organs | 1st type - receptive | easy | 2 m. | A drag and drop exercise that identifies the accessory or the secondary sex organs of male. |
3. | Layers of the testes, the cells of seminiferous tubule, and development of oogonia | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | A multiple choice question that evaluates the students on the concepts - testes, primary and secondary sex organs, the layers of testes, the cells of seminiferous tubules, oogenesis and development of oogonia. |
4. | Sperm structure, oogenesis and menstrual cycle | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | A true or false exercise that tests the knowledge of students on the concepts of the male gamete, the structure of sperm and, it's function, the structure of the female gamete and the process of gametogenesis. |
5. | Menstrual cycle and the events | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | A drag and drop exercise that enables to understand the different phases of the menstrual cycle, the different hormones involved and the events that occur in the menstrual cycle. |
6. | Fertilization and stages of post fertilization | 1st type - receptive | easy | 2 m. | A multiple choice question exercise based on what is fertilization, the acrosomal and cortical reactions, the different developmental stages of the zygote from cleavage to implantation. |
7. | Lactation, gestation and reproductive health | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | A drag and drop exercise based on the parturition, pregnancy or gestation, the hormones involved in childbirth, different types of twins, and reproductive health. |
8. | Family planning, contraception and the different ways of birth control | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | A drop down match the following exercise to evaluate the student's understanding on population explosion, what is family planning and the types of birth control. |
9. | Cytstitis and other UTI | 1st type - receptive | easy | 2 m. | A drag and drop exercise that helps students to recall the different types of UTI and the symptoms associated with it. |
10. | Reproduction and its type, and stages of reproduction | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | A multiple choice question exercise based on what is reproduction, types - sexual and asexual reproduction, and the different stages of sexual reproduction - pre-fertilization, fertilization and post fertilization. |
11. | Testes, primary and secondary sex organs in male | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | A drag and drop exercise based to analyse the primary sex organs, secondary sex organs in male, the role of primary and secondary sex organs and the cells, layers in testes. |
12. | Parts of a sperm and an egg, functions of each part, gametogenesis | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 5 m. | A multiple choice based exercise that helps to recall the concepts of the structure of the male and female gamete and the process of gametogenesis - spermatogenesis and oogenesis. |
13. | Difference between primary, secondary sex organs and layers of uterus | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 4 m. | A drag and drop exercise to understand the differences between primary and secondary sex organs; and the endometrium and myometrium. |
14. | Primary reproductive organ and the ovarian follicles | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | A drop down exercise that tests the knowledge of the students on the concept - ovaries, the associated structures, the anatomy of ovaries, and the ovarian follicles. |
15. | Gametes of male and female, uterine layers | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 4 m. | A picture based exercise that allows the student to analyse and identify the parts of the male gamete, female gamete, the layers of the uterus and the female reproductive tract. |
16. | Blastocyst, morula, capacitation and acrosomal reactions | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 5 m. | A multiple choice question exercise based on what is blastula, morula, capacitation, cortical reactions and acrosomal reactions. |
17. | Primary and accessory organs and reproductive glands in women | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 5 m. | A drop down exercise where the student applies the concepts studied in the female reproductive system to identify the female primary, secondary reproductive organs and glands. |
18. | Hormones involved in the menstruation and changes in its concentration that bring about changes | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 5 m. | True or false questions in which the justification should be picked up correctly regarding the statements picked from theories invoving the menstrual cycles, the hormones involved in the menstruation and changes in its concentration that bring about cyclical changes. |
19. | Difference between sperm and egg; spermatogenesis and oogenesis | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 4 m. | A drag and drop exercise to understand the differences between sperm and an egg - the gametes, and the different process of gametogenesis. |
20. | Male and female reproductive system | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 4 m. | A picture based exercise that helps the student to analyse the various parts of the male and female reproductive system. |
21. | Implantation, gastrula, and the functions of placenta | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | A fill in the blank exercise that recalls the topics - placenta, the functions of placenta, what is gastrula and what is meant by implantation. |
22. | Steps involved in the formation of the zygote till parturition | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 5 m. | A drag and drop exercise that estimates the student's understanding the steps that are involved in the formation of the zygote until parturition or childbirth. |
23. | Analogy and picture based questions on functions of male and female reproductive tract | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | A picture based question and an analogy type of question to identify based on the functions of the male and female reproductive tract and the accessory organs and glands. |
24. | Cyclical changes that occurs in the different phases of menstrual cycle | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 4 m. | A drag and drop exercise to complete the table on the events that occur during the different phases of menstrual cycle. |
25. | Reproductive health related problems, strategies, lactation, maternal and fraternal twins | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 5 m. | A multiple choice question exercise based on the concepts lactation, gestation, identical and fraternal twins, reproductive health related problems and strategies to overcome these. |
26. | Different artificial methods of contraception | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 5 m. | A drag and drop match the following exercise that matches the picture with their respective functions and what they are made of. |
27. | Reasons for overpopulation, contraceptives and their principle | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 4 m. | A multiple choice question exercise where the student analyses the options to choose the correct answers according to the questions. |
28. | Hygiene, personal hygiene, menstrual, body and toilet hygiene | 3rd type - analysis | medium | 5 m. | A drag and drop exercise to categorize hygiene and its types. |
29. | Events involved in the menstrual cycle with and without fertilization | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 9 m. | A drag and drop exercise to understand the sequence of steps that occur in menstrual cycle when fertilization occurs and when fertilization does not occur. |
30. | Reproduction types, types of reproductive organs, male and female reproductive tract | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 7 m. | An exercise where two correct statements must be identifed from five statements based on the topic animal reproduction. |
31. | Overpopulation, family planning, menstruation, and types of contraceptions | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 6 m. | An assertion and reasoning based exercise on the concepts of overpopulation, population explosion, family planning, different types of contraceptions, the male and female reproductive systems - menstrual cycle. |
32. | Menstruation, changes observed during menstruation, different stages of sexual reproduction | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 6 m. | A two statement exercise that tests the students based on the concepts of the different contraception methods, the hormones secreted in the different phases of menstruation, the functions of the hormones, and the different stages of sexual reproduction. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Phases of menstruation and developmental stages of zygote | Other | medium | 4 m. | A drag and drop exercise to understand the sequence of events during the formation of a zygote and the phases of the menstrual cycle. |
2. | Contraceptive devices, stages of sexual reproduction, placenta | Other | medium | 5 m. | A drop down match the following exercise where the student matches the column A with column B. |
3. | Activity - to draw the male and female reproductive organs | Other | hard | 12 m. | An activity to draw the longitudinal section of testes, female reproductive organs and to write a short note on the female reproductive organs. |
4. | Activity - to draw the male and female gamete | Other | hard | 12 m. | An activity to draw the male and female gamete - the sperm and ovum respectively, and to write a short note on the male gamete and its parts. |
5. | Activity - Reproduction in bread mold | Other | hard | 10 m. | An activity to understand the reproduction in bread mold, the types and purpose of reproduction. |
6. | Short answer questions from reproduction, male and female reproductive organs | Other | hard | 9 m. | An exercise that contains additional short answer question on reproduction, male and female reproductive organs. |
7. | Additional short answer questions on contraceptives and various stages of sexual reproduction | Other | hard | 10 m. | An exercise that contains additional short answer question on contraceptives and various stages of sexual reproduction. |
8. | Additional long questions in the human reproduction | Other | hard | 10 m. | An exercise that contains additional long answer questions from the topic reproduction in animals and human reproduction. |
9. | Reproduction in animals | Other | medium | 1 m. | Multiple choice questions (MCQs) from TN book back exercises. |
10. | Gametogenesis | Other | medium | 1 m. | This exercise contains one REMA test question and answer, which holds one mark. The student has to choose the best answer. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about gametogenesis. |
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Training test 1 | 00:10:00 | easy | 9 m. | A training test that tests the knowledge of the students on male and female reproductive glands, types of reproduction, stages of reproduction and the layers of testes. |
2. | Training test 2 | 00:10:00 | medium | 10 m. | A training test that focusses on the sperm structure, oogenesis, spermatogenesis, menstrual cycle. |
3. | Training test 3 | 00:10:00 | medium | 10 m. | A training test that tests the knowledge of students on the concepts lactation, gestation, reproductive health, and difference between sperm and egg, spermatogenesis and oogenesis. |
4. | Training test 4 | 00:10:00 | medium | 10 m. | A training test that test the gametes of male and female, uterine layers, fertilization and stages of sexual reproduction. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Homework 1 | 00:20:00 | medium | 10 m. | A homework test based on the activity - reproduction in bread mold. |
2. | Homework 2 | 00:20:00 | hard | 14 m. | A homework test that focusses on the activity to draw the male and female reproductive organs and the male secondary sex organs. |
3. | Homework 3 | 00:20:00 | medium | 12 m. | A homework test that comprises an activity to draw the male and the female gamete and also to write a short note on the male gamete. |
4. | Homework 4 | 00:15:00 | medium | 12 m. | A homework test that focusses on the UTI, menstruation, changes associated with it, testes and the primary sex organs. |
5. | Progress test 1 | 00:20:00 | medium | 17 m. | A progress test that focusses on the phases of menstruation, the developmental stages, the primary and secondary sex organs and glands. |
6. | Progress test 2 | 00:25:00 | medium | 17 m. | A progress test that focusses on the contraceptive devices, types of the devices, reproduction, its types, and functions of various organs in male and female reproductive tract. |
7. | Progress test 3 | 00:25:00 | medium | 18 m. | A progress test on the topic cyclical changes that occurs in menstruation, parts of the sperm, egg, and additional short answer questions on the topic reproduction in animals. |
8. | Progress test 4 | 00:20:00 | medium | 19 m. | A progress test that evaluates the knowledge of students on the different primary and accessory reproductive organs, glands, overpopulation, family planning, contraception. |
9. | Progress test 5 | 00:25:00 | medium | 19 m. | A progress test that contains all the book back questions - objective and subjective long, short answer, HOTS questions. |
10. | Progress test 6 | 00:30:00 | medium | 19 m. | A progress test that helps to recall what is blastula, morula, gastrula, implantation, gestation, lactation, fertilization and post fertilization changes. |
11. | Progress test 7 | 00:25:00 | medium | 20 m. | A progress test that contains different questions on the chapter animal reproduction particulary human reproduction. |
12. | Progress test 8 | 00:25:00 | medium | 24 m. | A progress test that helps students to recall the concepts of the topic animal reproduction. |
13. | Periodic Assessment | 00:10:00 | medium | 2 m. | PA 1 - Reproduction in plants and animals |
14. | Periodic Assessment - 3 | 00:10:00 | medium | 2 m. | PA3 |