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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction to air and its composition Air is composed of some gases that are responsible for global warming and acid rain.
2. Oxygen: occurrence, physical properties and uses Oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth. This is being explained along with physical properties and uses.
3. Oxygen: chemical properties Every gas has a unique chemical property in which oxygen's chemical property has been explained.
4. Nitrogen: occurrence, physical properties and uses Nitrogen is necessary for all living things. This is being explained along with physical properties and uses.
5. Nitrogen: chemical properties Every gas has a unique chemical property in which nitrogen's chemical property has been explained.
6. Nitrogen fixation Nitrogen is required for all plants for their growth. Let's see why the plants depend on nitrogen fixation.
7. Carbon dioxide: occurrence, physical properties and uses Carbon dioxide plays a vital role in human life. Let's see about the properties, occurrence and uses.
8. Carbon dixoide: chemical properties Every gas has a unique chemical property in which carbon dioxide's chemical property has been explained.
9. Global warming and green house effect Earth has a stable temperature to live on, but the temperature is getting increased nowadays. Let's see about it in detail.
10. Global warming: Causes, effects and prevention Human activity is the main reason for global warming. These are explained briefly.
11. Acid rain: Consequences and prevention A brief explanation about the sources of acid rain and how to control the acid rain.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Acid rain: Match the following 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Learn two sources of acid rain.
2. Mixture of air and greenhouse gases: Drag and drop 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Know the difference between the mixture of air and greenhouse gases.
3. Chemical properties: oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and acid rain 2nd type - interpretation easy 3 m. Let's look at the chemical properties of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and acid rain.
4. Air and cause of global warming: Drag and drop 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. Recall the gases involving breathe, photosynthesis and cause of global warming.
5. Nitrogen: drag and drop 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Learn about nitrogen's occurrence in both its free and combined forms.
6. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide: physical properties 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Identify the properties of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
7. Chemical properties of carbon dioxide: choose the right answer 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. Let us recall the chemical properties of carbon dioxide.
8. Chemical properties of nitrogen: choose the right answer 3rd type - analysis medium 5 m. Let us recall the chemical properties of nitrogen.
9. Global warming and uses of gases 3rd type - analysis medium 2 m. Lets learn about global warming and uses of gases.
10. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide: properties and uses 3rd type - analysis medium 3 m. Let's look at the properties of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, and also their applications.
11. Chemical properties of oxygen 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. Lets learn about the chemical reaction of elements with oxygen.
12. Chemical properties: oxygen, nitrogen 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. Let's look at the chemical properties of oxygen and nitrogen in more detail.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Global warming: multiple correct answers Other easy 4 m. Recall the concepts from Global warming.
2. Acid rain, greenhouse effect, global warming: answer the questions Other medium 9 m. Analyze your understanding of acid rain, greenhouse effect and global warming.
3. Oxygen: Physical properties Other medium 1 m. Practice the question related to the Oxygen and its physical properties.
4. Nitrogen Applications Other medium 1 m. Practice the question related to the Oxygen and its physical properties.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training Test 00:15:00 medium 11 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 00:20:00 medium 8 m.
2. Progress Tess 00:20:00 medium 17 m.
3. Progress Test-I 00:25:00 medium 9 m.
4. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 2 m.
5. Progress Test-II 00:30:00 medium 10 m.
6. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 4 m. PA 1 - Air