எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்

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In the olden days, people observed the changes occurring in the sky at night. By observing the path of the celestial objects such as the sun, stars, moon and planets, they
  • devised calendars.
  • predicted the climate and rainfall patterns for agriculture.
  • accurately calculated the seasons and festivals.
Ancient calendar
From ancient times, people had an interest in exploring space. Many countries send manned and unmanned rockets to the moon and other planets to explore them. India has also achieved a lot in space research by launching a number of rockets into space.
Need for space exploration:
We are always fascinated by the great mystery of the universe and try to figure out more information about it. Understanding the space will be beneficial in many ways.
Earth's atmosphere
Space exploration and research help us understand the earth's atmosphere, as well as the changing climate and weather. Exploring the space will assist us in addressing many issues and challenges these days. The discovery of rockets has given us access to a small part of the universe.
Invention of Rockets:
Rockets were invented about \(800\ years\) ago in China. The first rockets were made of a gunpowder-filled cardboard tube and were called fire arrows. Chinese used these "fire arrows" to defeat the invading Mongol army in \(1232\ AD\). This rocket technology quickly spread to the Middle East and European countries, where it was used as weapons.
Chinese fire arrows
Uses of rockets:
Rockets aid in the launch of space probes for the exploration of planets in the solar system. They also assist us in the launch of space-based telescopes to further understand the universe.
Space telescope
More than anything, rockets allow us to launch satellites that are useful in many ways. Our country has developed effective rocket technology and successfully applied it to a wide range of space services around the world.
Communication satellite