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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction To recall what are sets and the practical applications of sets.
2. Ordered pair To learn what are ordered pairs.
3. Cartesian product of two sets To learn and define the cartesian product of two sets.
4. Some more illustrations on cartesian products of two sets To illustrate cartesian product of two sets using graphs.
5. Cartesian product of three sets To define and learn the cartesian product of three sets.
6. Mindmap This mindmap diagram used to visually organize information into a hierarchy, and showing its relationships.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Multiple choice questions I Other easy 1 m. To find the value of a and b in the ordered pair for the given condition.
2. Multiple choice questions II Other easy 1 m. To find the value of n[(AUC)×B] from the given sets.
3. Multiple choice questions III Other easy 1 m. To find the value of a and b in the ordered pair for the given condition.
4. Two marks example problems Other medium 2 m. Try to find the answers for the given questions.
5. Two marks exercise problems I Other medium 2 m. Try to find the answers for the given questions.
6. Two marks exercise problems II Other medium 2 m. Try to find the answers for the given questions.
7. Two marks exercise problems III Other medium 2 m. Try to answer the given questions.
8. Two marks exercise problems IV Other medium 2 m. Try to answer the given questions.
9. Five marks example problems I Other medium 5 m. Try to find the answers for the given questions.
10. Five marks example problems II Other medium 5 m. Try to find the answers for the given questions.
11. Five marks example problems III Other medium 5 m. Try to find the answers for the given questions.
12. Five mark exercise problems I Other medium 5 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of cartesian sets.
13. Five mark exercise problems II Other medium 5 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of cartesian sets.
14. Five mark exercise problems III Other medium 5 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of cartesian sets.
15. Five mark exercise problems IV Other hard 5 m. Practice the problem to verify the given cartesian product.
16. Five mark exercise problems V Other hard 5 m. Practice the problem to verify the given cartesian product.
17. Five mark exercise problems VI Other hard 5 m. Practice the problem to verify the given cartesian product.
18. Five marks exercise problems VII Other hard 5 m. Try to answer the given questions.
19. Five marks exercise problems VIII Other hard 5 m. Try to answer the given questions.
20. Five marks exercise problems IX Other hard 5 m. To verify the given property on cartesian Product.
21. Five marks exercise problems X Other hard 5 m. To verify the given property on cartesian Product.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find n(A) Other easy 1 m. To find the value of n(A) using the given values.
2. Find n(A×B) Other easy 2 m. To find the value of n(A× B) from the given sets.
3. Find the set A and B Other easy 2 m. To find the sets A and B from the given cartesian product.
4. Say true or false Other medium 2 m. To say whether the given statement is true or false for the given condition.
5. Find (a, b) Other medium 2 m. To find the value of a and b in the ordered pair for the given condition.
6. Find 'x' and 'y' Other medium 2 m. To find the value of 'x' and 'y' from the given ordered pairs by factorisation.
7. Find the product A×B×C Other medium 2 m. To practise the cartesian product on three sets.
8. Find as directed Other medium 2 m. To find the cartesian products for the given conditions.
9. Find the cartesian product of two sets Other medium 5 m. To find the cartesian product from the given sets A and B.
10. Determine the elements in the set and remaining ordered pairs of the cartesian product Other hard 5 m. To understand cartesian product better.
11. Verify the given statement Other hard 5 m. To verify the given statement using the concept of cartesian product of two sets.
12. Verify the distributive property over union Other hard 5 m. To verify the distributive property of cartesian product over union.
13. Verify the distributive property over intersection Other hard 5 m. To verify the distributive property of cartesian product over intersection.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find n[(AUC)×B] Other easy 1 m. To find the value of n[(AUC)×B] from the given sets.
2. Find the true statement Other medium 1 m. To say whether the given statement is true or false for the given condition.
3. Find the truthness of the given statement Other hard 5 m. To verify the given statement using the concept of cartesian products.
4. Verify the given statement Other hard 5 m. To verify the given property on cartesian Product.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find the set Other easy 2 m. To understand cartesian product better.
2. Find the following Other medium 2 m. To find the given cartesian products if the sets A and B are given.
3. Task for you! Other medium 5 m. To test the observation on the cartesian product of two sets.
4. Find the correct figure Other hard 5 m. To find the correct figure which illustrates the given cartesian product.
5. Find the set A Other hard 2 m. Try to answer the given questions.
6. The cartesian product of sets Other easy 1 m. To find the value of a and b in the ordered pair for the given condition.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Worksheet 01: Cartesian Product of Sets 00:20:00 medium 17 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:20:00 easy 6 m.
2. Homework II 00:20:00 medium 6 m.
3. Homework III 00:25:00 medium 9 m.
4. Homework IV 00:25:00 medium 10 m.
5. Homework V 00:25:00 medium 8 m.
6. Revision test I 00:35:00 medium 20 m.
7. Revision test II 00:35:00 hard 20 m.
8. Revision test III 00:35:00 hard 20 m.
9. Revision test IV 00:40:00 hard 25 m.
10. Revision test V 00:40:00 hard 20 m.
11. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 2 m. PA 1 - Relations
12. Periodic Assessment - 3 00:10:00 medium 2 m. PA3